I don’t think turning around and GOING BACK TO THE SCENE OF AN ANGRY MOB ATTACKING YOU supports your point. Driver has lost any claim of self-defense.
There’s a difference between running over a bunch of people on a walking path minding their own business vs accelerating out of an angry mob that’s blocking the street and attacking you. Comparing these to ISIS is a bit of a false equivalency.
I told them I was happy to give them a ride (...) someone was going to have to sit on the center console, I had a pillow. The young lady said she was happy with that
I’m no body guy, but I’m pretty sure the painted side is supposed to be facing *up*..
I think this just gave me IBS.
It’s the brand of Vape Juice that’s sponsored the Subaru World Rally Team
Tranny swap into a better ZJ, and keep the cowl tag from the original as a souvenir/documentation.
My nuanced take: Ferrari is overstepping their bounds but I, also, would not want to be associated with those nasty-ass shoes.
Took me a second there. I’ll give you that one.
Great idea, but lets be realistic. How many owners can locate the appropriate fuse quickly without referring to the manual? Hell, some manuals don’t even diagram the fuse box anymore.
Sneak in and pull all the fuses then sit back and watch from across the lot.
Going a little fast there, buddy. Where’s the fire? *Points back at police officer’s car.