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Not that you would have any experience with that

*Woman is seriously injured*

Depends on the language of the waivers, and there are things that a waiver cannot actually waive.

White people aren’t inherently racist but America is.

I mean do you really find it funny when Hart or Chappelle says some homophobic shit and then has a 10 minute monologue on why they should be able to say it? Did you ever find Louis CK’s comedy funny, because he has basically been doing this act for years even before his controversy. I think it’s pretty mediocre

Was it that he couldn’t because Martin Scorsese can’t get films made today (which, see FF Coppola), or because The Irishman was stuck in development hell for ages, and when it finally came up, Scorsese insisted on 3.5-hour-long film (it’s nearly 30 minutes longer than Endgame), with fairly expensive special effects? I

I have 0 problem with Martin Scorsese saying, “These movies suck.” And that goes for any genre. I have a problem with “They’re not cinema.” And that goes for any film.

Fascinating how the Marvel people just cannot abide the fact that not everybody in the world loves Marvel the same films and some people actually want to see something other than franchise movies and how the media blows this out of proportion for clicks.

There’s not “loving” something and then there’s calling it not art, which is essentially what Scorsese did. He didn’t say “these movies aren’t for me.” He said “they don’t even belong in the same category as my films.” Which is pretentious gatekeeping and people who love those films and especially the people who’ve

“Marvel + Scorsese” is great for the SEO.

There was one video that showed him as people started booing, that lead image is pretty much right at the end of that video. He starts off all smiles and waving and that fat puss starts to emerge and he sits down.

Damnit why do you have to be right? the idea of him angrily pacing around the white house and yelling at underlings bc people turned his ”lock her up”chant back onto him was keeping me warm and cozy tonight.

This is so true.

Yes, but it also plays into his “most attacked president in history” narrative and by Wednesday, he’ll be saying it was just a small group Democratic representatives and he heard they had paid some people off to boo him. Probably illegal immigrants taking those booing jobs away from real Americans who love him, but

The best thing about this is that it will eat away at him way, way, way more than things like “credibly accused of being a Russian asset” or “revealed almost daily, often by his own idiotic admission, to have participated in criminal activity.”

God, I hope that "lock him up" chant burned its way into his insecure little facsimile of a soul and we get a torrent of rage tweets about it tomorrow. HOOK IT TO MY VEINS!


To paraphrase an extremely short-termed Trump emoloyee: stop trying to suck your own cock, Mooch!