
She deserves soooo much better than what they’re giving her.

I would respect this show so goddman much if they made them FWB and flat out said it was because they were both superhuman.

I was hoping there’d be an article about this episode. Normally I enjoy Supergirl and I actually like Mon-El since he actually fits into the show (unlike James), but my God this episode was all kinds of stupid.

Yeah, but this episode was messier than most. It’s terrible when you have to admit that Kara/Alex not talking to each other at the end of the episode made sense by the episode’s poorly constructed argument logic, which by the way MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

Mon-El is terrible and boring. Hey, remember when this show didn’t need a white male dudebro? Yeah, me too. It was season 1.

People find him charming? I find him both dull and insufferable, which makes me instinctively dislike everything he says, even when (like last night) he’s clearly in the right. Admittedly, I’d probably respond less negatively if he got less screen time.

I hate the character. He was written all sorts of inconsistent in the first half of season 2, and now he’s just a possessive, emotionally manipulative jerk who wants to be a superhero, not because it’s the right thing to do, but because it’s what Kara thinks is the right thing and he wants in her pants.

And he was

Mon El is the worst.

I mean, I assume something like that will happen, but wouldn’t it be nicer if we were getting their whole story from the heroine’s PoV?

Mo Mon-El, Mo Problems.