
Before we go into this discussion, we need to differentiate what constitutes a "safety". This is regardless of vulnerabilities.

It is voluntary to watch...

You guys have it all wrong, you have to switch it to the "good" button

Precisely this. My wife uses multiple external drives and every external monitor she can find with her Macbook Pro. She would laugh at this thing and keep right on moving.

Design is making choices. This MacBook is the original MacBook Air all over again; instead of a "missing" optical drive, it's a second USB port or power port.

Well I'll say this: the Apple naysayers are the absolute fastest to post comments. They must have just been HOVERING over their keyboard, with their posts pre-written and already copied into the clipboard, just waiting for Giz to publish the article. Nicely done guys. Keep it coming. I, on the other hand, will

Hmm, that's a really good question. What could it be? Still scratching my head here. Hmm...okay, just taking a guess here but maybe it's the 18 karat gold?

Am I being really stupid? Because I think it's no. 9, which is true, because then all the other are false. But that seems way too easy. I haven't thought it through properly yet, but I think it's that.

You are easily amused. That is my target demographic.

If Archimedes was so smart how come he's dead?

It makes it more authentic. The Greeks always spoke in mideval English.

I wasn't crafty and my parents weren't dumb. It's just pretty easy to get away with things. I mean, yeah, I got caught sometimes, but more often than not, I got away with it. It was my friends with the really strict parents that NEVER got caught. Now, they WERE crafty.

Yeah, my parents friends tried that. And as for the bullshit, we had jobs and were in the IB Program, so we certainly had enough homework. And we has extracurricular activities. Finding time for bullshit isn't very hard.

As someone who just recently stopped being a teen, I can tell you that a lot of my friends' parents also thought that because they paid for the phones and checked their kids phones regularly that they would know if they were sexting boys or on Instagram or whatever. Kids are determined little shits. They knew about

too bad! you're gonna buy it and you're gonna like it!

You left out the sub points:

I can already imagine Jesus Diaz complaining about the steering wheel not been centered:

However, this is a good time to remember that rats and/or mice are nowhere close to being human.

Also funny how the problem was the 1%, until someone pointed out that worldwide the middle class here was the 1%. Then the problem became the 1% of the 1%, the people who were richer than us. We being equally wealthier than other people suffering are not the problem in the world. We didn't need to suffer ourselves.

It seems awfully convenient that we're just now reinterpreting the results of this experiment to perfectly match our current social issue du jour.