
The intended public for this watch can do both: buy a new $17000 watch every couple of years AND still hand down expensive stuff to his or her kids. If you don’t have the money for both, you’re not the target group.

Yes! How dare a company sell a product for more than it cost to build it! It’s like they want to make a profit, insane really!

Isn’ t one of the reasons we put you inside the ground (as opposed to above it) or burn you hygiene? Rotting bodies create exellent conditions for diseases. Another reason is to not let the local wildlife see you as food. They find a human body and munch away at it => humans can be eaten! Apparently in places that

There are no lines because you can’t buy it yet, when have there ever been lines for pre-ordering stuff? Demand can’t be that very low since it’s sold out in 6 hours... But yeah, Apple is doomed and all?

It's just one of the obvious objections. Just like the problems of emergence and reduction; the arrow of time, etc. The point still is, you can't call it a theory of everything and excluse 99.99999% of everything :)

A theory of everything as understood by most physicists living today won't be able to explain the hard problem of consciousness. Their grasp of the concept "everything" is so narrow that maybe they should focus first on understanding anything, as opposed to just describing it, before trying to aim for everything...

Hey, even your mother found a guy willing to impregnate her... what I’m trying to say is: tastes differ.

Is there Anything you can do on your tablet that you can’t do on your phone or laptop? Nope... Yet tablets still sell well enough to be considered a successful product category. The same will likely apply to the watches. You can’t do anything with them that you can’t do with your phone, but that’s decidedly not the


chances are that some decades hence you won't really have a say in it unless you abandon driving in a car all together.

when I was studying for my masters degree in AI our professor of robotics had is working on a project on autonomous cars, in one of the in-depth discussions on the state of the technology then (that is 5 years ago now) the comparison was made WHY the then-current tech was already far more advanced than what was needed

They seemed purple in "the life of mammals" if memory serves me well

also gruesome: its cellar is full of toxic plants :)

being well versed in high school maths doesn't mean you get theoretical mathematics. Both "it has no sum" as "the sum is 1/2" are technically correct and both can be proven in a number of different ways... It fééls ridiculous, yes, but that doesn't mean it is. Quantum physics seems ridiculous and goes against all the

it's not just talking set-theory here, there's a lot of branches of math that come to the conclusion that 1 + 2 + 3 + 4... = -1/12; the result is even used in certain branches of physics :)

or go back to using Rebecca Romijn, she was a very good mystique too...

thank you for that information I didn't know that and will read the paper!

aaaand now you expose yourself as just another troll... unless that was a confession on your side?