
what part of

If I'm correct (and please correct me if I'm not) you'd need DNA to have it be considered life as we know it. Everything we know that's alive has DNA, some things that have RNA but not DNA exist (like some virusses) but they're not considered living things...

lol, actually, it happens in about 80% of times... Way more often than not. But keep on judging :p Even when it doesn't happen, THOSE PEOPLE ARE STILL PAID FULL WAGE, and then it happens because we had to wait half an hour for drinks, or for very basic things like trying to ask for something or the bill and not being

he clearly said he still tips... I tip when I get good service (again: in a country where tipping is optional because normal wage with service included in the price)

Nope, not really, these droplets don't reproduce and have no means of retaining homeostasis; this isn't more alive than a flame...

I'm not saying it's not possible that being waitstaff isn't physically, mentally or emotionally hard, the point should be if it's physically, mentally or emotionally harder than other jobs. Given that the OP told us he used to be (or is) an EMT, I believe he has the right to claim his job is physically, mentally or

I actually thought the Bartlett article made very much sense... (disclaimer: I'm from a country that has more-than-minimum wage for waiting staff and the menu's even let us know in small print that "service is included in the price" so tipping really, really is something extra for really good servers)

Also, doesn't she

the thing is if you study psychology to major in experimental psychology you get shitloads of statistics, math, psychophysics, neurology, biology, genetics, etc... The psychology classes are just part of it and the kind that are accessible to everyone tend to be easy and introductory.

Research shows that around 70% of clinical psychologists once had problems themselves and that this was a major factor in them choosing to study psychology. The same research found no significant link whatsoever between experimental psychologists (the research branch) or company psychologists (another major that

they did, from before they started filming it was supposed to have 3 "books" of two seasons each. The first book is what we saw. The second would have taken us to the Second World War, culminating in book three (season 5 and six) with the good guys trying to prevent the outcome of the Manhattan project...

"Heavy" indeed...

Lol, having a judgement and acting on it are two different things :p

you're confusing the usefull, well-thought out though sometimes imperfect at launch tech that Apple ships with the me-too features quickly cobbled together for marketing purposes on the android platform :p (and yes, I know I'm (partly) trolling)

oh ok, now I get it :) thanks for the explanation :)

I really don't consider gmail to be formal...

you're not supposed to change it, it's changed automatically. Say you have "xxxxx" as your emailadress, then mails sent to "xxxxx" will be sent to you...

so you've never gotten a business card, looked at the email adress and thought "wow, that's unprofessional" because of it being an emailadres?

does it hurt you in any way that we like (old) apple stuff?

let's make a club of @mac people :p

I like the one as well :) I switched to but still get mails on my and sometimes give it to people (because it's frankly easier to explain than "" in a non-english country and other mac-minded people know it means you've been around longer than the iphone-craze :)