
It’s a complete failure to respect boundaries and it’s wrong. I love this fetish, but like all fetishes: keep it in your private life, and don’t force it on others.

I’m a human pup in the bedroom (and on fetish/kink parties) as well, and I have to agree with you: if you need it in your daily life, if it becomes such an obsession, you need therapy...

For 99% of the other human pups I know, fetishizing real dogs has nothing to do with being a human pup...

I’m sort of in this world, and yes I’ve got the puppy gear and all. For me it’s been in there since I was young. When I was a teenager and was fantasizing it often involved someone just forcing me to live as their dog.

doesn’t invalidate the point though. Tech changes, tech that children use changes.

Do you have a smartphone now? Your parents didn’t have smartphones at your age, so why should you! They remember telegrams and they were fine then, so no pc for you sir!

So in the end he ended up confirming all of their negative stereotypes. Also, very unbelievable story, as if no single white kid that got wrecked in the bathrooms went to a teacher or principal and got the black kid expelled...

Shouldn’t this be taken as an admission of guilt that FOX themselves violated copyright? They themselves flagged the clip is so like their own clip that it should be taken down, yet the clip preceded their own work... So... Pay up, FOX, you stole this person’s work!

I don’t have AIDS... and read it carefully again, it was another jab at Bobby...

It’s a whole subculture...

1) you clearly haven’t seen people with AIDS

My husband and I saw more than one movie in the theatre a week the first five years of our relationship (we both really, really loved going to the cinema). We saw Tomb Raider and pirates of the caribbean back to back. Tomb raider is literally the only time he ever fell asleep in the theater. Pirates was after that one

take that, vegetarians!

A TV show in Belgium had a part called “heroes of the internet”, where a camera crew and an interviewer went to people’s houses to confront them with hateful crap they wrote on facebook/twitter. Some of them were really uncomfortable and tried to apologize, others were just very horrible people...

please don’t, my shoes are disgusting and I’d be ashamed. Anyway, it’s regularly brought up that if Sansa ends up warning it’ll probably be with some bird of some kind. Sansa’s thematically linked with birds :)

and I’m afraid I have to (nerd rage) disagree on the second part as well, my heated discussions on star trek with my equally dorky friends in high school far surpassed the dorkiness of this conversation :p

You managed to completely skip over that last part: “However, Martin himself has said in interviews that ALL of Eddard Stark’s kids are wargs. All of them...”

Unfortunately for you, there is neither evidence for or against that statement in the books itself. There are as many reasons to assume that Sansa and Lady were bonded in that special way as there are to assume Rickon and Shaggydog were. However, Martin himself has said in interviews that ALL of Eddard Stark’s kids

Unfortunately for you, I’m not talking about Jon Snow :p