
Sweet Caroline is a fun Fenway park experience for those of all ages, and should be played even when the Red Sox are down 20 runs.

Phil Mickelson is as popular as he is because he was the safe white alternative to Tiger Woods for racist golf fans.

I totally understand where the Thunder are coming from on this one. The longer they keep me waiting, the less money I give waiters.

IOC decides against dying of polonium 210 poisoning.

As it is right now, based on the IMDB list, there are many people of color in the film, mostly apparently on the Themyscira side of things... but I guess you want an incredibly pandering sequence where Wonder Woman just happens to stumble upon one of the few regiments of black American WWI troops and fights with them

Unreal. A 2 & 1/2 minute trailer from a film that is set in the Nineteen-Teens and people are losing their minds that it’s not “diverse” enough? No Wonder Trump’s gonna win the Presidency.

The First World War. You know, Siegfried Sassoon poetry, blood in the Ardennes and, “It’s a Long Way Tipperary?”

The point I’m making is that you can’t expect modern day diversity in WW1 era England.

It’s not what I believe. These are facts, motherfucker.

Not really, no. Firstly, our documentation of early, pre-Nicene manuscripts is better than any other ancient text, so we know that the Nicene council did not invent Jesus. Furthermore, the Nicene council had no role whatsoever in determining canon. In fact no council ever settled upon a definitive version of the

As a former religious studies major who also wrote an honors thesis about the conspiracy theories in both Kennedy assassinations, I can say that without question that most conspiracy theories are absolute nonsense. Oswald acted alone. Any other outcome is not only unsupported, but completely unsustainable if one

I believe that we, as humans, will never physically go past the orbit of Saturn because we just do not have the resources to do it, even if all of humanity were to work together, there just isn’t enough in the ground to make the math work.

Kinja is inflating the number of comments on any given blog. It says “load more” but when clicked, it only loads a few more and gives you another “load more” button. when you click it again, it might load more but it will eventually reload everything so that you have to start again. Sometimes it works and sometimes it

The government didn’t cover up his assassination, they covered up the fact that they fucked up and let it happen.

I love this one, specifically because there’s no way it was a government plot (they were *super* into it being a ‘gay plague’ they didn’t need to deal with), which means there is an independent shadowy puppetmaster cabal whose goals include public health education and protecting gay people, and that Hall of Fame Point

The short version is that Mary almost certainly didn’t make up anything; that would come later as adherents to the new Jewish sect applied their understanding of the Greek Septuagint version of Isaiah to the story of a messiah.

I can assure you this isn’t true.

The power outage at Camden Yards that postponed a game was intentionally done in order to keep Cal Ripken’s streak alive after Cal refused to play the afternoon he accidentally walked in on Kevin Costner having sex with his wife.

Not a single one.
I believe the cynical self-interest and cruelty of men can explain most of the horrors of this world.
I don’t need to invent fantastical reasons why things are fucked up. The truth is more boring and all the more disillusioning for it.

I felt that way...until I saw that most of the “theories” were predicated on Connolly sitting directly in front of and on the same level as JFK when he was actually sitting lower and inboard. Thus, the “magic bullet” actually traveled in a more or less straight line.