Constitutional Task Force Society, a nonprofit think tank


Disrespectful bastard.

There are plenty of distinguished legal scholars who choose to work for nonprofit think tanks rather than feed at the corporate trough. Elizabeth Warren made her choice, now she must face the consequences.

The Constitutional Task Force Society is grateful to President Trump for personally sitting in on our White House conference call and listening to us make our case for judge Barrett. The President’s queries were eminently perspicacious and we hope we answered them to his satisfaction.

The Constitutional Task Force Society supports the Second Amendment Foundation.

America’s veterans fought for the Constitution. Disrespect for veterans is disrespect for the Constitution!

Education is the key to America’s future, but too often it has taken a backseat to respect for the Constitution.

The U.S. government has a shameful track record of reneging on treaty obligations to Native American tribes, so we ought to cut them some slack when they disrespect the Constitution.

This is a highly irregular procedure but nothing in the Commerce Clause prohibits it. Air traffic safety is vital to the free flow of interstate commerce, but too often it has taken a backseat to respect for the Constitution.

Transparency is among the highest ideals of democratic governance, yet too often it has taken a backseat to respect for the Constitution.

Gobal warming denialism is the domain of scoundrels, yet too often it has taken a backseat to respect for the Constitution.

Senator Feinstein’s is a significant endorsement that we at the Constitutional Task Force Society will factor into our decision on which candidate to endorse in 2020. We are in no hurry.

We need to know Senator Warren’s opinion on the Constitution before we endorse her.  Is she for it or against it?

The American people entrusted President Trump with America’s classified information when they voted him Commander in Chief. It is his to do with as he pleases.  So says the Constitution. You may not like it, but that’s the law of the land!

Vile though it may be, this is protected free speech under the 1st amendment.

Tone and manners are the hobgoblins of small minds, yet too often they take a backseat to respect for the Constitution.