
It was funny for sure. And compared to last weeks it was like a comedic masterpiece.

That's why I didn't really take to the "mystery pooper" episode of Bobs Burgers, which was pretty loved around here. I don't mind an occasional poop joke but when the whole episode is based around that it loses some comedic value. For whatever reason the butt jokes here didn't feel particularly gratuitous, so I still

Wow…I thought it was precisely one year after last season? That's surprising that it's three years.

That seems like a bit of a stretch. So basically they could have killed off Pierce randomly at the end of any silly episode and then not concluded the story, and it would be brilliant commentary on how meaningless things are compared to death? It seems to me you're just looking to give the show credit to justify the

It's been a while since I've seen that one (which is about to change…thank you port that gives me Canadian Netflix!), but I thought this was just as good.

Felt more like "Basic Lupine Urology" to me. And I don't really like Pillows and Blankets either. It just didn't work for me and I found myself somewhat bored with it.

I said it was a meh episode, not an abomination. I'd give it a C. I mean, I watched the episode, I didn't like it that much, so I came here to say what I thought about it. I never said I hate the show, I in fact pointed out things I like about it and that I really like and identify with two of the characters. How is

"Poltergasm" was kind of one too from this season…sure it was a story based around a Stan/Francine conflict but the whole family was involved in it (except Klaus).

I dunno, it might vary based on who's directing the episode. I really liked the direction of last nights episode, Roger for one had some pretty cool poses.

Yeah, that's definitely part of it. But at the same time it definitely tries to say that keeping a dog alive thats in pain for your own selfish reasons is not cool.

Well, we know she's not the greatest housewife, and gets overwhelmed quickly. That's where that fantasy came from. And kidnapping Steves girlfriend was out of some misguided love for Steve, as he thought she was getting in the way of her future. And hey no one said they weren't a dysfunctional family…they all make fun

Isn't there a saying about not waking a sleeping fish?

Yeah, that was the second best part.

I'm pretty sure it would be…it's no season 1-3, but at least they've improved on last year. It's just such an odd situation, how perceptions are so colored based on Harmons involvement.

This is the shit I'm talking about. A perfectly friendly and informative post gets downvoted. Why, New Disqus, why?

Yeah, it's definitely shittier as a whole. For whatever reason it alternates signing me on my AV Club account and my Disqus account…both have the same name, but different number of comments and one has my icon zoomed in.

It wasn't. It was alright, but hampered by a undercooked A-plot and pretty crappy B-plot. But if you think watching Abed do a decent Nick Cage impression is comedy gold, then it might just be brilliant to you.

I know opinions and all, but I'm legitimately surprised people are giving the second episode A grades. It was like a middling season 3 episode, and I sure as hell hope it's not the best Community can do this season. That Nic Cage plot line was pretty embarrassing. I can't help but wonder if this is a case of

Still don't get the love for Basic Human Anatomy. Terrible, terrible episode.

Yeah, I feel pretty much the same way. I saw a commercial for "new Community starting Jan. 2nd!" on NBC a few days ago, and I said to myself, oh shit, I totally forgot this show was starting up again, I'll have to tune in… not, "yes, it's finally here!", but rather felt extremely passive about it. That said, I am