
The whole Jeff arc was pretty great and original.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes!" - Roger

I get what your saying…but Roger never really "took over" American Dad. It's always been split pretty equally between Stan, Steve, and Roger…and in commentaries the writers talk about how Roger is the most fun character to write for because he's so flexible, so I think that probably has more to do with his increased

Only less than intelligent people who don't have a basic grasp on how animation works or how to use the internet think such things. Really made me sad to see people actually believing this shit, that their complaints helped bring Brian back.

There's a lot there bro. It's consistently one of the funniest, best-written show on television, with an inventiveness to the plots that is pretty unique in the TV landscape. Also, the characters are actually unique and developed beyond mere one note jokes, and they don't hardly ever rely on lazy, stereotypical humor

Over on American Dad this week, Steve befriended a demon known as Krampus in an homage to Beauty and the Beast, and in the process tried to save his life and prove his worth to the world. So your "anywhere else on Animation Domination" so and so would do something evil, doesn't really ring true.

It reminded me of the bit in "Seasons Beatings" where Roger questioned how Nemos name being "Omen" backwards could possibly be a telltale sign he was the anti-christ, given the fact that Jeff himself named him after his favorite book - the novelization of "Finding Nemo".

I fucking adore how they switched roles here, where Krampus was really the good guy who was essentially trying to teach kids to grow up with morals and direction, while Santa was just using them to make money and get rich. That's the kind of glorious AD Christmas twist that only they pull off.

I agree, fantastic episode. Hope we get one more to end the series but if not I was thoroughly pleased with this one.

I haven't seen every ep this season but the season premiere where they were trapped in the woods was pretty shitty. One of the worst Bobs eps I've seen.

The Christmas specials are usually considered the cream of the crop for American Dad (this is especially fitting to bring up since one airs tommorow) although I've seen some divided opinions on which of the 5 aired is the best.

At long long last…the American Dad Christmas special is here! Another hip-hopera featuring Danny Glover as Krampus? Merry Christmas indeed!

Just watched it…solid B+.

Matt Weitzman responded to fans regarding American Dad continuity, and he basically said they focus on joke writing first and foremost, and given the fact that SO many episodes are being juggled at the same time, often things get lost or confused, or a detail slips by that might annoy a hardcore fan by going against

Yeah, we're getting 15 episodes, so say it even started in late August, it would still run into December. And not sure how TBS will schedule it, but they might even take a few weeks off. Anyway, even if they did it's no big deal, we'd still be getting almost a full season of AD in half the time that FOX would take to

Oh god, is this the thing where just because Harmon is back everything is suddenly gold? Just like when he was gone everything sucked? I thought the trailer was fine, but lets be real, a sixty second trailer could be cut of last season and be just as good. I like the commitment to making to like a movie trailer and

A few of those lines were funny (surprisingly), but I think the Vinnie stuff was atrociously bad. Not dark at all, just typical FG crap trying to be edgy and offensive.

Funny enough that while Neil was a decent sized supporting character in the original run, since the show was revived he's been limited to a mere dozen appearances, most of which have been without dialogue. I'm guessing this convo went down at some point;

American Dad is channeling Breaking Bad tonight. One of TVs best comedies parodying one of the TVs best dramas? Christmas come early, my friends.

I don't know where you get your info, but a quick look at the writing staff for both FG and American Dad is all you need to see that they never exchanged writers at any point since they've both been on the air. Yes, about 5 writers who worked on American Dad (including Barker and Weitzman) worked on FG 1-3 - which was