Constellation 2.0

To quote Terry Crews, “no one gets a pass”. These are grown ass men that know the shit that they’re pulling is wrong. I’m not going to play the “whose molestation is worst” game. Act like a damn adult, or expect to be cancelled.

CHECK OUT YA GIRL ALL LEGIT!!! DRINKS ON ME! And by drinks I mean seltzer water with lime.

As a guy, I just want to say that this is tough. I want to be clear that the guys who did this stuff was wrong, but men are left in a Catch-22. I’m sure I will be eviscerated, but here goes the reasoning.

I’m going to guess in your rush to reply you didn’t bother to read what you were linked to when I told you I was IN THE ROOM while several of the national Dems were “being civil” … which has gotten us precisely to where we are now over a period of decades because Rethuglicans of this ilk view compromise and civility

a university spokeswoman also said that no action would be taken against the officer.

I’m as annoyed with the double-standards when it comes to race as the next white guy (e.g. qualified university applicants being rejected because they aren’t a minority)

My mom said she has always had “that mouth”, lol (which is good background for those of us who weren’t around & so never really understood what all the ‘Hanoi Jane’ hate was about - but now I get it much more, I think; there was a whole lot of “how dare this white wimminz take a stand for brown ppl” in that, it

I don’t understand, Rose McGowan is countering all this bullsht with a movement to start grabbing dcks?

Up ‘til the part about the comments on Yi’s tattered pants, I was going to give Cross the benefit of doubt, maybe it was misunderstood...

I’m not okay with that when 18-year-olds like Michael Brown are shot & killed because they’re anthropomorphized into adults, if not monsters - and 12-year-old little girls of color are raped because “she looked like a woman; she was asking for it”.

Hey you should respect him because he’s the President unless that President is Black then there’s nothing wrong with acting like he’s scum!

Being white definitely hurt her and kept from doing what she wanted, but not in the way that idiot thinks. Her white arrogance got all up in the way to hurt her and keep from doing what she wanted and she still hasn’t learned.

Wow. Where to begin.

“Ed came to us and felt very strongly about this. We fully support his unselfish decision. It was not our intent to be insensitive to issues of authenticity and ethnicity...”

Colin Kaepernick

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

That’s not pessimism.

Wow. No comments at all on this great review after almost four hours?

On the surface, it’s just another alternate-history take. Okay, yeah, from a disassociated intellectual standpoint, no problem. But, well, context is kind of important. Lots of comparisons to Man in the High Castle, which makes sense, again, disassociated intellectually.