I’m certainly in no mood to ruin someone’s Friday night, so hopefully this doesn’t piss you off too much here.
I’m certainly in no mood to ruin someone’s Friday night, so hopefully this doesn’t piss you off too much here.
Yea, we can still make this convo civil.
Look, the update showed that this dinner thing was sexist, although I’d like to know a bit more about what went on with that, like who exactly wrote those things.
I’m not looking for any of that, but thanks for being a patronizing douche.
I hate 2014-present’s stand up for all women and black people movement, whatever that is. Articles from Deadspin daily on social justice just add to it. Oh well. I’m not even white and it’s so obnoxious.
Gronk makes CTE adorable.
I believe it was the ‘93 season when they discovered Henry Rowengartner in a similar fashion. Helluva pitcher.
RIP Black Jesus.
Really hate the commercial that auto-plays on the front page now. I guess I should get an ad-block, but it’s obnoxious nonetheless.
Wow a commercial was playing on the homepage. Fuck you, Deadspin.
Agree. This article series is lame.
I’m not saying I don’t believe her. I have not seen any evidence nor was I witness to the alleged crime. I’m not saying I side with him. But I refuse to condemn a man over instagram pics. I refuse to condemn a man over what TMZ or Deadspin is telling me, and they aren’t telling very much. Why is it so wrong to presume…
In instances of celebrities and news, yea, it’s not correct to automatically believe the woman anymore. Do you not believe that women lie sometimes?
These days, if you’re getting serial abused by someone, you should go and get hidden cameras to gather evidence against your abuser. There are so many gold diggers out there that you can’t believe someone just because they point a finger. Innocent until proven guilty.
The court of social media is fucked up. I hope they find the truth though, whatever it is.
This is some serious womansplaining right here.
I was more surprised when Hayden Christensen turned out to be Darth Vadar.
I feel like I’m the town buzz kill lately on these comment sections, but this screw up is so standard for this tournament that this isn’t interesting news. If it took him six tries to get out, then that would be interesting. Maybe I’m the only avid golfer here or something, I dunno. Anyway, carry on. But this the…
There’s something of a late-80s VHS charm to this, if nothing else.
Wow goin’ after the dude’s family now. That’s... cool.