
What possesses these people whose job is literally public domain to lie about the most basic aspect and easily verifiable aspects of their so called life is mind boggling.  It’s not like being a politician requires ANY qualifications these days, in fact, the less you have the better as far as her party is concerned.

Time to break out all 12 discs of this beauty !!  

All the following numbers will happen naturally* after sufficient amounts of #1.

well. probably smoking that devilweed.

Agreed , it’s incredibly rare to start a tab in a bar where they don’t know you by favorite drink& would be refused. shit maybe i’m just old.

i’m old, travel extensively got to restaurants daily and this has NEVER happened to me. If in bar and I don’t get charged at service I ask if we are running a tab, if in restaurant it is preposterous to be asked to pay before consuming the meal.

I always enjoy the board game reviews but why don’t you ever put in a link to the official shop at least? 

so uh,  was he allowed back in the game and who won?

It’s not like assholes can’t be afraid, or roll over to’s literally their MO! History is fraught with assholes being afraid of other assholes, there are competent intelligent downright lethal assholes (Putin) and shitty ones too (Trump).

And then the wheel turned, the mind rebooted, and she replied “Oh, you’re so clever,” as if that substantively answered the point.

hmmm, Randal Graves relative i guess.

basically my take on it...Tumbler is that porn app right?

There’s a difference between a snap and taking several in sequence & reporting” on you when you are just going about your business. Not to mention sharing it on some platform where it will get thousands if not millions of shares sometimes even ending up on international news...all this cause some dick has decided

Tumbler?  uh you mean that porn app?

how can they possibly be both scared of “the commies” AND snuggle up to Russia, China AND NORTH KOREA AT THE SAME TIME . What the actual fuck.

GodDAMMIT i though that Guerrilla was coming out on the Switch for a moment there. Damn you.

uh, the place is called the badda bing...I mean they were just breaking balls you know, like people do, nothin’ ment by it.

I thought the 2nd ammendment was supposed to exactly stop this kind of threat no?

Probably some Ivanka&co deepfake stuff.