
Good thing she didn’t try to pay in Shekels...

Now playing

Seriously? Have they not seen Virtuosity? I mean, ok few people DID but It doesn’t go well...both the movie and the AI.

I was thinking that, that’s an absurd amount of chicken.

Basic sports fan , doesn’t like movie carted specifically for him.

I am willing to put money on she desperately and urgently needed to take a shit and staff would not let her. Probably along the lines of “if you dont let me use the bathroom im gonna go right now” and then they called her bluff.

using air quotes , yeah

But if you are not above using overalls then is that not a moot point already? Just get some proper trousers yo.

I somehow read that in Stephen Fry’s voice and it made it better.

you mean: “put the snack down” surely.

Didn’t know MJ and Kanye used to hang out...

shotgun golf is fun.

The Shadowrun trilogy started out great and ended f-ing AMAZING. HBS are a terrific proven outfit and have nothing but my utmost confidence they will be able to pull off Battletech the way it deserves.

you need better friends, AC is amazing.

The reality is, after DECADES (actually centuries, but the empire bit really picked up after WWII) of completely fucking the world up the ass during and after the Cold War, The USA finally decided to collectively fuck itself in the ass.

You would think that people know that “neighborhood watch” means that they are being watched BY the neighbors.

It’s definitely a thing, I got some invitations to join some (ahem) unusual and specific Facebook groups that can NOT be related to anything but my pron history. Gotta say that freaked me out and not in a good way.

Wrong. The correct answer is: “My guns”.

Should have just grounded him instead.

Well as you know, After the Storm , comes the Sunshine.

He’s not a full blown germaphobe, I mean he does admire a certain kind of German...