I love Michelle Obama and I was so excited to see her with bangs. No shade, but I don't think it's a good look.
I love Michelle Obama and I was so excited to see her with bangs. No shade, but I don't think it's a good look.
Black men do have the tendency to be intimidating even when they are totally friendly and kind. It's just something about them.
Maybe they're thinking that you're the one who can't hear it and it's coming from your apartment and trying to figure out the same thing. Just go talk to them and maybe you guys can brainstorm ideas for how to fix the problem.
In the dressing room at Dillards. *Not in their clothes* But it was still KRAZAY!!
I don't know the full context here so I'm not going to comment on whatever was going on on that tennis court. However, it's a wonder that so many of you have no idea who Sara Baartman (Venus Hottentot) is. Maybe if you knew a little history, you would understand why hypersexualizing and objectifying the black female…
Pause. Is that a how to survive a shooting article at the top? Lmao!
I just did! Omg, I'm so jealous of the gorgeous alliteration. Goes well with their very handsome look. Owwww!
Same here, I feel like I'll never get to a point where I feel like I'm used to it. I hope to never get to that point.
You got this!! Get off of Jezebel, get some music playing, a few snacks, and before you know it, you'll be all done.
I have to say, I've been an avid reader of jezebel since 2009 and never have I read a comment section so distasteful in all of my 3 years as a jezzie. This is horrendous. The piece definitely leaves me yearning for more and full of questions, but the rudeness and vulgarities are repulsive. And the racist nature of…
Doesn't transssexual mean that they actual underwent sex reassignment surgery whereas transgendered means they still maintain the same sex organs but identify with a different gender?
Hey everyone! I had a fun weekend, but it all leads me to this question: How do you deal with a guy who you really really like, but he has a very small peen and absolutely cannot get you off with peen-in-vag sex?
I'm in the first days of a painful breakup. GIFs, advice, and movie suggestions please!!
Since I can't edit, I'll just add here that I started off with braids but then went back to my natural hair state, and I work with majority white women.
Now I wonder what my bosses think about my afro.
I've never met a 22 year old grandfather. O_o
What's the story behind this?
Me too! This is hilarious :)
Piercing a child's ears is truly barbaric and narcissistic. Babies are not objects for decoration and adornment. Never should a child be able to wear clothes, headband, get haircuts, or anything of the like until the are able to ask for them!! Diapers only, people. DIAPERS ONLY!!
I'm quite sure alexander.miller91 was saying Cassie is an R&B hasbeen and Skrillex is her swaggerjacker.