
No worries. It was buried in the paragraphs. 

Dude, I said in the response:

Well at least it was an ‘absurd’ reason instead of a ‘tournament players bad-touching minors’ reason that competitive Smash is known for.

I suppose this is what happens when your game is an interactive junk drawer full of things that never actually mattered. It’s peak Destiny that so much is being removed. When it comes to Destiny 2, the only thing that has ever seemed to matter to Bungie is the moment. The Destiny universe is a mess, so it’s not

Why is this comment grey?!

At this point I just try and listen, but end up confused as to what to do outside of myself as an individual. So I basically just end up doing nothing.

The good faith argument was directed at the author of this piece. And yes, I know you can act in good faith and still be unconsciously racist. That’s not the point. I’m saying you can also be not racist and act in bad faith, which is what I think the author here is doing. She’s basically proving she’s doing exactly

No one really changes or has any meaningful catharses.

I suspect her honest answer would be “but don’t you know, that’s so last year...” - in a certain world, opinions don’t just have to be right, they have to be expressed at the fashionable time. If you say something true, but the fashionable people have already said it, then you’re just a follower, donchaknow, and to be

Maybe their snark muscles have locked up?

Klobuchar has a proven track record of winning in a purple state by huge margins; she doesn’t have the weird Native American baggage (whether you think it’s legit or not, it’s still there); and many people actually do consider “I won’t promise you more than I can give” to be a reasonable position to take. Klobuchar

MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

This. I also grew up in a small Texas town, not that far from Mt Vernon. If it makes you feel worse, I live in coastal Southern California now and a major driver of our housing crisis and homeless epidemic is this exact same sentiment expressed by wealthy homeowners in our cities and their suburbs. 

“They will sweep any moral issue under the rug if it fits the narrative of the Good White Christian Making Good and justify it by reciting religious pablum like “only God can judge” or “forgiveness is the Christian thing to do”. It’s highly convenient and it allows them to operate in a state of perpetual

Goddamn, you pretty much wrapped the whole culture up in one, neat, disgustingly accurate few paragraphs. This is exactly what is wrong with America.

This piece was just a nice reminder why I gave up Christianity. 

Plus, aside from the whole “It’s not immoral if we’re the ones doing it” hypocrisy that is a cornerstone of these small town religious conservatives, I can’t believe how idiotic it is on a practical level as well in this case.

That was the one sentence where I literally laughed out loud while reading it. These people are fucking bonkers. “As long as it’s good for me (which it 100% will not be, actually), I don’t care who gets hurt in the process!”

Like Whoa

It’s not the “American brand of capitalism”. These same conundrums are applicable to European companies just as fully. Any company headquartered in a location with an open market will behave this way because open economic policies give the closed-policy Chinese a free hand. They have the big homogeneous market with