
Gamers are the biggest consumerist subculture on the planet because they are also the dumbest consumerist subculture on the planet.

Everyone is saying that Illumination is the worst studio to adapt a Zelda movie, but if you stop and think about for even a minute, you’ll see that they are actually the perfect studio to do it. For one simple reason: Nintendo are control freaks.

I’m pretty sure they’ve made that mistake in every article about this situation. I’m surprised that it’s not what the incels who are defending Roiland in the comments latch onto.

Not just that, but Sisi keeps referring to his criminal charges as a “lawsuit”.

Bart Simpson putting the “at least you tried” cake in the trash dot gif.

Well, maybe...but what about god turning on the living room lights?

That’s how I read it. After gingerly betting nickels and dimes, he’s suddenly all-in? I would have been more scared of his hand had he raised 10k.  

Maybe unpopular, but 2 things can be true:

I keep coming back to the idea that this is the first console generation I’ve basically shrugged off.

Yeah, dating apps are bleak for most men, and can lead to serious self esteem issues. Many men would be better avoiding them.

If only you would do a temperature check by reading the comments on your own goddamn website, maybe you would put this in a format that people actually want, instead of making videos out of things that don't need to be videos.

I think it’s really acute in situations where the particular character or IP is very old, and was founded decades ago when either conditions were very different or when the content creator themselves wasn’t trying to make a very fine tuned statement about society.

willing to speak to why BioWare protagonists are, on the whole, bad for the galaxy.

Which is what the GQP and their base want. They think that they will be able to wipe out all the people they hate and fear.

Hey, anybody remember when former Jezebel-sister site the Splinter told everyone it was A-OK to skip voting in 2016?? that worked out really well

OK, I believe them.

I used to also say “well I’ve been able to enjoy it without spending money” on games such as Diablo Immortal. However the work of journalists such as Laura Kate Dale and James Stephanie Sterling, along with reading many horror stories over the years, has convinced me that there’s a very real human cost to monetization

This is frankly REALLY common among rich people who were born rich, as Musk was.

Right, it’s typical of wealthy people to stagnate or regress emotionally and sometimes mentally when they spend their lives in a gilded sanctuary away from any “inconveniences” and free from any consequence, and thus don’t develop the moral compass, ethical understanding, or character. There’s an uncanny amount of

This is all notwithstanding the fact that the author has not one damn clue what the administration may or may not be doing in the first place, or that other Americans held in Russia have been detained there for YEARS before we could negotiate a deal to bring them home.  Anyone that thinks there is a quick resolution