Consider pants

> And I adore Martha Plimpton. As an actress and person.

I endorse this endorsement. Beeswax wraps are everything that is good about parchment and wax paper, but will last and cost less in the long run. They’re self-sealing and easy to clean. After heavy use they do eventually need to be re-waxed, but it’s no big deal.

No, but I think it was an open secret that he was cheating on his last wife with her.

And seeing as how this is the 21st century, wouldn’t someone just send the $25K by direct deposit?

Jeez ... lighten up, Francis.

I don’t think we’re missing the point, maybe the series has though because there have been publicized instances of CPS abusing their authority but in these Jezebel stories all the parents actually did do things that warranted CPS intervention. (Even in the case where the mom didn’t fracture her baby’s skull, the

Also that she told her children not to report her to her teachers. Your parents should be the first people to tell you that reporting bad things isn’t “snitching”. This is the kind of bullshit that leads to the cover up of violence and abuse. This woman disgusts me.

I should investigate some of these resusable options.

Why not a reusable plastic sandwich container from Rubbermaid or similar?

This again?! Whenever she was in the right, CPS didn’t falsely accuse her of anything and when she was in the wrong, they got involved, I’m not seeing the problem here. After reading this series I actually have a lot more respect and trust in CPS than I used to.

1) He said he had proof that what Rep. Wilson said was a lie and now the WH is backtracking and saying he was misunderstood.

I don’t get it, you’re smart enough to write words (barely) but you’re dumb enough to put them in the order you did.

No, it does not work like that, she is a star because she is allowed to be one.

Holy shit.

Do realize that the supply of aspiring Olympic-level gymnasts is—like the supply of aspiring actresses—essentially infinite.

Yes, in a sport where a small group of adults has complete control over which six of the hundreds of competing teen gymnasts get to realize the Olympic dreams that they’ve spent thousands of hours working towards, the gymnast has all the power.

Counterpoint: go fuck yourself.

Your comment basically explains why she wouldn’t speak out. You think she’s the “powerful one here” so there’s no way Dr. Nassar would abuse her. She probably knew that’s what people would think. For people like Dr. Nassar and Weinstein doing these things to the “powerful ones” without fear of repurcussions makes them

Do you know a lot of 13-16 year olds with the confidence and self-assurance to do something like that? Don’t be dense.

Sitting at my desk thinking about the courage it takes for these women and girls to come forward...