Consider pants

I think those are pretty, but I’m old and dowdy.

Here’s a dress Donna Karan sent down the runway in one of the last collections she did for her label:

Wow. That’s disgusting. Thankfully other designers make beautiful wrap dresses so I don’t have to worry about giving up a favorite designer.

I’m starting to think that Hilary Duff is not a good dresser.

Remember the days when presidents only had one marriage? Okay, a few had a second one but not via divorce. I don’t understand how the religious right deals with it considering how they spout family values and all that.

Look, we can cut him in half and they can each have part. Any objections?

Praise the tiny baby Jesus that we don’t have the Clintons and their family drama in the White House. Can you even imagine? Whew! Bullet dodged.

I’m a married woman in a male dominated field. I have eaten dinner with a man one on one on business trips but one dinner that really sticks out to me is when a colleague and I wrapped up a huge successful project and wanted to celebrate. I suggested a quick bite, he wanted to go all out so we went to a nice

As someone who is constantly being harassed at her work I wish men at my workplace would just implode.

Yeah, we all know how easy and fun it is to get that sweet, sweet rape accusation money.

It’s easy to be principled once you’re retiring.

Eh, talk is cheap. Corker is retiring, he can afford to be honest. I’ll give Republicans credit for having a backbone when they actually start to vote against the shit Drumpf is doing- *while simultaneously trying to hold onto their seat.

*I see you, John McCain- cancer does not a hero make.

I think DJTJr vastly over-estimates the value of the Harvey Weinstein story as fodder for late-night TV. What exactly would an SNL skewering of Harvey Weinstein look like? While the guy has some name recognition, it’s not like he’s a visible cultural icon. If you were to poll the country, I would guess that 75% of

Don Jr thinks he so fucking smart. I can barely tell what he’s trying to say, but he’s that kid in your intro psych class who is the biggest douchecanoe and thinks he’s constantly outwitting the professor. Bonus points if that professor is a woman.

Its online version is mostly read by international readers, in particular from the US.

It still tickles me that the UK calls that “fancy dress.”

I saw Cynthia Nixon on the street once and I still cannot get over how radiant her skin is and how beautiful she looked with blond hair and a normal hairstyle. They really uglied her up for that show.