Consider pants

IKR? At this point any of them can surprise you. I don’t trust them until they’re dead.

Someone I know recently was “quoting” a black person and gave her this weird southern accent. I said “why did you make her southern?” And the girls faced turned red and she stopped.

You don’t think gay men are more misogynistic than straight dudes?

This is a bad comment.

You and damn near everyone else.

Have you noticed their silence on this post? I hope they see this. They’ve been making me uncomfortable for awhile now. I’m relieved to know I’m not alone.

It blows my mind how there are a handful of male commenters who comment ON EVERY FUCKING ARTICLE, usually as soon as it’s published and have no self awareness that maybe they should take a back seat on an expressly women oriented site. Like, feel free to participate but say something when it’s useful or insightful

Why is she dressed in the 1997 Delia’s catalogue

Now you know to pay attention to whether BC is covered, because previously you could pick any insurance and safely assume it would be.

Exactly. I think it’s an issue of consent. In a monogamous relationship, one of the conditions for consenting to involvement with your partner is that they aren’t fucking anyone else. If their partner is withholding information from them that would change their consenting to stay in that relationship, that’s really

She was in a car accident that disfigured her face. Most of the procedures were reconstructive.

I mean, she also suffered injuries to her face in a car accident and has given interviews explaining this in response to questions about her “plastic surgery”.

I just imagine that the wife *knows* but he makes her feel crazy for being suspicious.

This was another of my faves—when he was designing for Guy Laroche.

I get it. It’s a “good” problem to have, and feels like sour grapes, but dreading how you spend more than half your waking hours is a shitty way to go through life.

If I were mrs hole I would want to know. Better to know before having more kids/spending more time with him.

I have the opposite problem as the first letter writer: I have a job that pays me gobs and gobs of money, has amazing benefits, and would basically be the apex of most people’s careers in my field. But, I hate it and it makes me miserable. Just yesterday I applied for a job that will be a nearly $40,000 pay cut, a

you can cut down significantly on your dishes using mise if you pay attention to what ingredients can be combined pre-cooking. Like, onions, carrots, and celery in the same bowl.

He will probably be elected President of the United States of America

*Gets popcorn out for Gretchen Mol to come forward.*