Consider pants

Well, you know, the real villains here are those greedy Puerto Ricans whose natural disaster has completely thrown our budget in disarray.

*Judging you, James*

I was in labor for 30+ hours before electing for a c-section. My baby was not in danger at that point and my doctor gave me the option to continue a few more hours. After 30 hours, I was exhausted from contractions every two minutes, I was literally strapped down because of hormone shakes and I was in tremendous

I wanted to have a VBAC with my second. I went into labor and immediately it was evident the baby wasn’t doing well (heart rate kept dropping). The doctor bluntly told me “You can continue labouring for several more hours and put your baby at risk or we can just do a repeat c-section now.” She was definitely pushing

So are she and the baby okay and healthy? I can’t help but wonder if they had let her go through with the vaginal birth and something went wrong that they’d be dealing with a whole different lawsuit. I don’t know, can any of you superstars (not being sarcastic)who have hosted and birthed a whole new human speak to the

That was amazing! Sadly, I have to say she should stay on UK television as any American network that hired her would find a way to ruin it for her.

I have some thoughts about the dynamics of “white people really like...” as a criticism/mockery/whatever, but as a white person it’s probably not my place to expound them.

(Though it’s worse when white people pull that one out, granted.)

My husband makes the BEST Brussels sprouts. He infuses butter with crushed garlic, then takes the garlic out of the pan then puts in the sprouts (which are all chopped in half) flat side down and cooks them until they are crispy and fucking delicious.

At least 75% of adult men can grow a beard. Aspire higher.

Even if he was a decent human being, his huge creepy veneers would be enough to squick me out.

“What the fuck is this guy’s problem anyway?”
