
Schilling is the same guy who went absolutely batshit insane when his daughter was the subject of social media trolls a little while ago. Yet he has no problem with the Trumpster drooling over young girls. Why, it’s almost like Curt’s a giant goddamn hypocrite!

This season SF had the easiest schedule any team has had in the Wild Card era. I think (if I remember what I read correctly) their opponents’ cumulative winning percentage was .463. They built their “best record in the first half” by playing ten series in a row against losing teams leading into the All-Star break.

#keeppoundingadeadhorse seems more appropriate now in both meme and team performance senses.

As an A’s fan please spare me the crap about the poor long suffering Giants fans. They’ve had one of the better and more impressive runs in recent baseball history and I can tell you from my unfortunate choice of fandom that there are teams that absolutely shit the bed almost every single time they’re in a must win

I don’t have a problem with the Giants per se, except for being vague divisional rivals (let’s be real...the Padres are too bad to have actual rivals). But holy shit the bandwagon Bay Area fans are obnoxious and REAL. Between the Warriors and the Giants, living here is fucking insufferable sometimes.

Nah, their hashtag is #BeliEVEN. Fuck them.

So was 2012. Giants are dead and gone you greedy jerkoff.

Hell yes. Here in the Bay Area, giants fans have been, for the most part, smug and entitled. Simultaneously, they only pay attention and wear their giants gear when the giants are either A) in first place or B) in the playoffs. For most, baseball stopped existing last night. Good riddance.

Two problems with this:

thank god, because the giants have always managed to be the least entertaining improbable world series participants

Wish I could take credit for this.