
He knows full well going into this what ticket prices will be and the type of people who will be able to fill those seats.

Seems like he finally his the triple digit ticket price with "The River" tour last year. But mostly, yeah, he's always made his shows fairly accessible.

Which raises the question of why play in such an inaccessible venue?

$850 tickets sends a pretty clear message of who he wants to see in the front row. It ain't people like you or me or Johnny99…

I'm glad you've learned from years of listening to Springsteen that it's all about you and taking care of #1. "As long as I have mine I don't give a shit about the rest of you losers" is one of Bruce's most famous lines. Whether it's health insurance, a decent job, or concert tickets, that's how he rolls.

Kinda sad that Bruce "There Ain't Been Much Work On Accounta the Economy" Springsteen is doing something so pretentious and inaccessible (both price-wise and location-wise). I still love the guy, but would seem to open a huge chink in his armor for right-wing types who would love to shoot down his image of blue