I tried to read the whole thing, I really did. Eventually though, all I could remember was, "would of". Would of. Would. Of. Would'of. I would of done saw all the other grammer mistakes. WOULD OF.
I tried to read the whole thing, I really did. Eventually though, all I could remember was, "would of". Would of. Would. Of. Would'of. I would of done saw all the other grammer mistakes. WOULD OF.
Made me laugh so it works for me!
It's a meme. I'm too lazy to google it, but its a picture of a guy holding a sign that says something like "Get a brain, morans!"
I am NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT good co-driver!
I had my Tiburon stolen a few years ago, and the guy (2x the legal limit) went for a joyride at over 100 mph into a tree and died. So, that was an interesting evening.
You wouldn't have to force me, just give me the opportunity!
'05 Mustang w/ 5 spd. No issues here. Also have an '02 Escape and a '10 Taurus, no issues there either.
oh duh, that makes total sense. thanks for straightening me out, I'll use the excuse that it was too early for me to be thinking clearly! :)
That's what I'd assume too. Interestingly I get NO banners on HTTPS sites. (Only went to two, but neither had them. Went back to yahoo and immediately had a banner.)
Its usually a banner that spans the top of the browser in-between your tabs and your content. Plus it opens a Tech Browsing website once when connecting.
Fail. Fail. Fail.
It's true.
Any tunnels in Kansas to play with?
Yes, yes, yes!
mmm, love it.
Didn't think of it that way! Cool car!
That is really cool! I'd rock it!
Someone show me what the Miata would have looked like in 1920!
I don't think I've ever had to say (think), "Turn down the freaking Killswitch" until today.
Often I will abbreviate things I'm typing that I know my wife will understand. She's a clinic administrator. She has a board meeting coming up, and I almost asked her what time her BM was, but thought better of it.