Dick Winkle packs a huuuge powertrain.
Dick Winkle packs a huuuge powertrain.
U just killed a lot of people bro.
It would be really nice if they would broadcast it on a real network.
super duper J.E.L.L.Y
DAMN pre-mature inflation!
I was too! Is it wrong? Gah, I can't stop!
I'm going to start my week on Thursdays now, just like you Torch.
Adapting adapters for an adapted adaptor.
So, once you get those 7 people in there will you be able to fit any luggage? Because it does not look like it..
I once got bitched out by someone because thats supposedly all I ever told her to do when she had issues. I told her when it stopped working, I'd stop telling her to do that.
Very closely actually, nice catch!
nu-uh, its Rombama
Yes yes, but the more important question is..Are there any tunnels in Kansas that I can go play in and make noise?
lol, UGH! Conan should be better than that!
I have no idea what you mean. I'm fairly sure I came up with that on my own.
As a true Apple fan, I have immense attention to detail, and it bothers me when people half ass stuff.
Is it bad that I was annoyed that the voice wasn't following the fingers?
Looks like that wallflower there was a little left out! Somebot needs to ask that poor thing to dance!
I'll second this if it helps!