Introducing Nortons new line of security suites including their highly acclaimed "Umm, Be Careful" model!
Introducing Nortons new line of security suites including their highly acclaimed "Umm, Be Careful" model!
Way to go Honda, crush the little guy and then say how happy you are that you crushed the little guy. You know, the people who buy your products. Very, very good business practice.
Seriously about the averages??!?!? Thats insane! Apparently I weigh the average weight of women now. Seems kinda sick.
How are skateboarders even supposed to jump over this thing?
I truly don't even know what that means. But it's nice people like you who make terrible people like me want to 'meddle' in other places.
This may be slightly off-topic, but the search for elderly butts got me thinking. Is it weird that I think it would be fun to see if Giz would start a weekly (or whatever) series to see if we could get really random things to trend on Yahoo?
That motherfucker rocked it like 3 the hard way. RIP MCA.
Holy blaspheming balls of hot science and reason! That RS 200 is amazing!
If I had my way I'd have multi-car (20? a MILLION? I don't know) garage, and then I'd just live above it in holy matrimony for the rest of my days. But I'm married, so I don't get what I want.
Congrats on your first marathon!
Thank you for that at least! I think I needed to hear that!
As someone who has never been stung by a bee, I'm fucking horrified by this sting pain list. Horrified. I'm fairly certain I will never be going outside again lest I have a hair drier dropped into my bathtub or a cigar put out on my tongue.
Well that is just disgusting.
I am a nice person with only a hint of anger.
I am the 10%.
Fucking hell. I weep for that XJ220. Completely forgot about that, thanks for dredging up old nightmares.
It's been too long since we've heard from the Graverobber! Well done, sir, well done. You are one hell of a writer!
what do you use?
Why did number 7 read directly to me?
This is awesome. And true.