
I can check most of those off, but I don’t think I’ve ever been proud of anything I did at Denny’s. 

I like World Cup soccer but who cares. This guy Masy is good at soccer and has won a bunch of important things and has a ton of money and fans and has a nice life and probably a car. It’s not a tragedy, it’s a damned farce!

The dragons now have photorealistic titties. They look amazing in 4K.

Cowherd was unquestionably the worst part of Sportsnation. Anybody who can make me not want to watch a show with Michelle Beadle is a monster.

LOL @ all the white knights riding in to defend poor Stephen Miller from harassment.

Cut the doxxing shit people. It’s a fucking cell phone not his social, blood type, bank account number and home address.

Here’s a gift certificate to Kay Jewelers. Go and buy some pearls to clutch.

Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews

It blows my mind to this day that Chris Brown still has a career after beating the shit out of Rihanna. Believe it or not, a woman once told me, “Yeah, but you can tell Rihanna probably liked it rough. That’s why nobody in the rap game cared.” I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

Good people don’t do this


Fucking Gary Thorne is stealing the rum! This.............this explains EVERYTHING.

Oh my God, shut up. No, six year olds do not typically lie about being fingerbanged by their cousin. Most six year olds don’t even know what that is.

Poe’s Law?

I’mma be real just looks so dull and ug and I want to like it! I’m a slut for Vampires but damn.

Can’t bite at full price, but I’ll likely buy in around $35.00's.

Holy shit, he even managed to get one of his burner accounts verified. Look at this:

Can’t blame Colangelo for finding ways to blow off steam. It’s easy to get a little hot under all that collar.

we’re eventually going to get the reason for the anonymous source outing Colangelo, and it is going to be so petty and stupid and beautiful. i will cry.

She called former Obama administration advisor Valerie Jarrett, a Black woman, an ape. If you don’t know why that is racist, I would rather not continue the dialog with you.