
I was thinking “Man, Cornette is fucking up a Wendy’s or a Dairy Queen right now, isn’t he?” before even getting to the part where he gets mentioned. I think Corny goes on a bit too much about this “new wave” or whatever you’d call it, the Young Bucks and the Omegas of the wrestling world, a bit too much, but the

This has nothing to do with anything, but every time they use this header picture, I think it’s about Lena Headey and not Katy Perry. 

Wow. I think brain just shut down there. Cognitive dissonance is in physical form. 

This is legit cool. No snark. Best of luck to him.

Oh, Shannon Whirry - be still my heart. And various other bits.  

I thought Mecca was the Mecca of the world?

“the Knicks should sign Lin”

I have used pair of men’s 40x34 JNCOs from around 1997 you can have for, like, $10 and the cost of shipping. Go nuts. 

Who’s saying this? I can’t see anyone. Stop standing still, damnit!

“San Andreas 2... loyal to a fault.” I see you. 

Maybe next he can attempt to pry open a pressure cooker’s lid before the steam’s been let out. 

I don’t really have anything to add - I’m just here for that goofy-ass picture of Messi. That’s hilarious. 

Yeah, it would probably be impossible to top Sim on the “douchebag delivers a shitshow of a sermon” scale - that was most definitely all kinds of hot garbage.

I’m actually headed out to see this today - I missed Hereditary in the theaters and I wanted to make sure I didn’t whiff on this one. Pretty stoked. I’m not expecting Hereditary 2: Paimon’sRevenge or anything like that, but as long as the craftsmanship and storytelling are on par, I’ll come out happy. Or, well,

Had the same thought. But, I’m hopeful that Kirkman will do a bit of a better job.

Agreed 100%. 

Every single day, racist assholes invent new ways to offend and/or attack anyone who isn’t white. It’s like there’s a think tank somewhere just churning out ideas. 

To be fair, if he’s got kids, and they haven’t yet been tainted by his bullshit [and his wife’s, from the sounds of it], they shouldn’t be held accountable. But, say, his wicked awesome pick-up truck? Be a damn shame if something happened to that. 

Hell, in the messages contained within the post, it sounds like three people already beat the fuck outta him like 10 years back for fucking with someone else - seems like he doesn’t learn lessons easily.

I mean, the headline could seriously have been “Black Child Detained By Raging White Man For Crime of Loitering Near Broken Down Car”. You can’t even make shit like this up. It’s unreal.