
Oh Christ, I laughed way too fucking hard at that. At least it wasn’t old school AV or else The Long Night could’ve been the entirety of season 8. 

This entire show is heavy-handed and on the nose. It was rarely, if ever, known for subtlety. So, why object to that? It just seems rich coming from D&D to say “nah, that’s a bit much”. 

I really hope that doesn’t become the “narrative”, because I don’t seem to remember too many people putting an asterisk by their win over Cleveland when LeBron took a JV squad against them since Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love were out. Maybe my memory’s foggy - that is a definite possibility, but people were already

I remember reading an article about her in Sports Illustrated about two years back and came away just fucking amazed at her strength, resilience, courage - you name it, she had it. The thought that she might actually die young never even occurred me to despite seeing the litany of things she had/continued to endure.

You take that back - Magary is a national treasure. 

I don’t even know what snatched means. I was expecting to see (Or I guess, not see) missing bodies or stomachs or something. Words don’t mean words anymore. Where’s my Metamucil? 

All of this. All of the responses in this particularly thread, actually. It’s fucking gross. 

Yeah, it’s not like she deleted these because Loljezebel was snooping around [and others of its ilk] - she deactivated her social media because I guess violating Beyonce’s private space for two seconds is cause for her fans to start issuing the woman death threats. She, being Beyonce, needs to put a fucking leash on

Going by the description and everything, I thought this was going to be a full-on, almost-in-her-lap type lean over - she barely gets past Beyonce’s shoulder. I mean, sorry you were inconvenienced for three seconds. If it’s that bad, switch seats with Jay-Z. It must be awful to have to hobnob with the wife of the


You know, I wonder what Milk of the Big Papi would be like. Milk of the Poppy was, like, a sleeping aid, right? So, is Milk of the Big Papi just David Ortiz reading a nice bedtime story or does he pop out from behind a dresser to ether you so that you get a good night’s rest? 

Okay, that’s understandable. I’ll forgive you - this time. No more murdering my crow lady, though - she’s good people! :D 

You killed Eileen? Monster. 

Phrake and not Drill?

You had my star with Mayopolis alone - the rest of the comment just cemented that decision. 

I don’t know. If the Browns had drafted anyone worth a fuck between, say, 1980 and 2017, there’s a good chance they’d be trying to win back their allegiance and good will by now. Who knows - maybe that’s why Joe Thomas retired. Maybe Touchdown Tommy Vardell is particularly surly about something.

So, could he really care less about any of that storyline nonsense? Seemed like he was already on the “I don’t really care about this storyline nonsense” level. But really, do try to cram in some more fat jokes next time - I don’t think you went to the next level. It’s almost like you could care less about the quality

I wish I knew what any of this means. I feel so lost.

Wonder if the players are as tired of the Drake Show as I am. No? Alright, carry on.

Agreed. Having seen Beamdog’s attempts at original content, I have to say I’d much prefer Larian tackle this one. Siege of Dragonspear was... fine, but compared to Divinity: Original Sins 1 & 2? And their other releases? Yeah, gimme dat Larian. The only other group I’d have work on BG3 would be Obsidian, but now that