
Simmons talks a lot of shit for a guy without a jump shot. 

It was edited like a bad action scene, yet it was some dudes sitting around a table. Fucking awful. 

Toni Collette getting snubbed genuinely hurt[s] my soul. She deserved it for the dinner scene alone. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone literally come apart at the seams over the course of movie. Masterful. 

Yeah, there have certainly been a fair share of duds (Mighty No. 9 jumps to mind immediately). It is a shame that it’s still very much a crapshoot when it comes down to deciding when to pledge, because as you pointed out, even if the product is released, there’s no guarantee that it’s going to be what you thought you

Plenty of good games have come from Kickstarter - Shadowrun Returns, Wasteland 2, Shovel Knight, Divinity: Original Sin, FTL: Faster Than Light, Darkest Dungeon, etc.

“Toni Collette was fucking robbed”

Give all the coke, it’s amazing to me he was able to actually BE chubby, but there he was. 

Honestly, I’m already at Joe Buck-levels of tired when it comes to Tony Romo. It’s not that he calls out the plays, it’s how much of a walking hard-on he has for Tom Brady, and of course CBS has him calling nearly every Pats game possible. Thankfully, I only really have to deal with this during the playoffs as Redzone

We get it, dude. He’s the bestest good good boy there ever was. 

Honestly surprised this has so many stars. People upvoting Pats fans in this comments section? I must’ve missed the memo. 

Three consecutive 3 and 10s on the OT drive and they couldn’t stop them once. At least two of them were to Edelman. C’mon, ya fucking cunts, you had one job. Mahomes deserved better than that shitshow. 

Saying “build the wall” to a group of native people is one of the dumber things I’ve seen someone in a MAGA hat do and that’s a pretty long goddamn list. 

Always. Only stodgy old assholes are against bat flips. You just did something that 99.999% of the human population could never do - celebrate the fuck outta that shit!

Pivoted right into the trash.

It has convenience and a certain sense of “guilty pleasure” eating, but yeah, it’s trash - people claiming otherwise are just silly. And this is coming from a guy who enjoys the occasional Filet o Fish or Baconator, hah. 

I read an article that, for some reason, specified that some of the pizzas had “tomatoes and olives” on them. I’m pretty sure the article I read was on ESPN, but I could be wrong.

Or “Trump” and “salad”, for that matter. 

I dunno, his eyes looked fine in the videos.

Might not have been the best occasion to try DXM for the first time, Adam. 

I think it was 30-22, wasn’t it? I had a few drinks last night, though, so I could be wrong.