
Was Jesus actually gay on the show? I guess I missed where that was shown [I admittedly do not watch these episodes thoroughly - only pick up things via osmosis while someone else is watching]. I knew that he was/is gay in the comics, but yeah, wasn’t sure if that’s something they brought into the show. Regardless, he

Horses give no fucks - they’d kill us all if they could. Honestly surprised there haven’t been more horse-related deaths on this show given how clumsy some of these fuckers. Like, how has Eugene not managed to get kicked in the head from one just from doing Eugene shit? 

I mean, maybe they didn’t necessarily expect people wearing walker skins, but did anyone actually think the walkers, these very much DEAD things, were all of a sudden evolving? And with the title, it was clearly a bait and switch. 

All this while also trying to sell a plushy of Sean Taylor on the anniversary of his death. C’mon, Doug/Daniel - how about some candid conversations with Foster’s victims?

Pierce, Garnett, and Allen are that quickly forgotten, huh? 

Was he denying their existence entirely? Jesus Christ, man - he was giving anecdotal evidence, not stating his sole experience as the only possible option. 

What would you have them do, then? They got more eyeballs on the situation - they weren’t exactly asking for applause for putting in a minimum effort. Even if it was just a learning moment for THEM ALONE, that is still some progress. 

This is the best theory. 

Why should child actors be off limits? Because they’re kids? If they bring down the enjoyment level, that’s a valid criticism. As someone above said - there’s only one Lady Mormont. 

I mean, I’m not happy with Activision, so I guess we’re all square. 

Literally thought Logic was one of those rappers who died a couple months back, but Google is telling me it was Mac Miller or Lil Peep or XXXXtentacles. 

So, Logic didn’t understand Roiland or Fallout... the hell was he even there for? I didn’t watch the Drake stream, but he at least, like, knew what Fortnite was, right?

I mean, his name gives a decent warning. 

I’m still just getting a chuckle from the guy who was adamant that the Astros would beat the Red Sox in 4. Ah, this is nice. 

Well, it did take the baseball team 86 years to do something, and the Patriots were butt for a very long time.

Who the fuck uses the salt shaker to season a raw chicken? Put some kosher salt in a bowl, use that to season the bird, toss whatever’s leftover. Goddamn barbarian. 

Still fucking hilarious to see a giant cube in a fighting game. 

And the guy calling the game had the nerve to say “could be a free play!” as if dudeman didn’t move five minutes before his defensive counterpart did. 

Baez [or Jansen, but he’s the closer and that will always matter to a manager for some reason] seems to be the best high-leverage reliever in the Dodgers pen, yet Roberts keeps bringing Madsen out in situation that most definitely do not suit him. I was a little surprised it happened in the first game, but to do it

Yes, that’s exactly how. I’m a lifelong Red Sox fan and also a lifelong Maryland resident. I’ve never even been to Boston. For me, it’s quite easy to enjoy the team without having to deal with the general fanbase on a day to day basis. This Sox team is super fun and enjoyable and shouldn’t be judged/held back just