Or cunt! Twat! Dickhead! So many perfectly good swears without needing to resort to one that demeans an entire group of people.
Or cunt! Twat! Dickhead! So many perfectly good swears without needing to resort to one that demeans an entire group of people.
I mean, Kotaku isn’t responsible for banning the guy - they’re simply reporting on it. But yeah, they’re obviously pushing their beta cuck soyboy cultural Marxist viewpoints, like, so hard. YOU MAKE ME SICK, KOTAKU! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL!
Swing and a miss. This way for your consolation prize.
Both of these teams are better than Cleveland - I’m not saying Houston won’t win, but it won’t be a sweep, regardless of which team advances.
I’ll admit it - I’m too dumb to get this joke/reference. I feel the embarrassment.
This got a legitimate belly laugh out of me -thanks for that!
This beautiful trainwreck is burned into my memory - it’s up there with the Pizza Toss and Jerry Remy/Don Orsillo’s call of it as far as most hilarious shit to happen in a baseball stadium goes.
Wow. I had no idea! Thanks for the info and the video, friend.
Wow. I had no idea! Thanks for the info and the video, friend.
I’m not arguing at all, just curious - what would cause you to die from touching an arcade monitor the wrong way? Some kind of electric shock? That’s nuts!
I’m not arguing at all, just curious - what would cause you to die from touching an arcade monitor the wrong way?…
I’m very tired of thid very small, very agitated idiot. Can we be done with him now? Or at least soonish?
Hope she replaces a couple more dude writers with female writers just to piss that little manbaby off even more. Fuck pieces of shit like this - hope your friend/colleague isn’t too shaken up by this. Also, I agree with the comment above that says she should read that email out loud to the class as a big “fuck you” to…
He does good work, but sometimes it’s really hard to take someone named “Shams” seriously when his job involves reporting truths.
So, uh, any idea where one could find more of this plot?
Admittedly, I’m not good with the search function and I didn’t do a deep-dive on responses. I will look through them. I really wasn’t trying to a snarky asshole, so if that’s how I came across, I apologize and I will do better next time. I know working a movie is a privilege more than it is, say, working on a…
Because that’s the important takeaway. Ffs.
So, if the guy was a convicted burglar, would Black be obligated to tell the crew about that as well? Assuming the man served his sentence and is up to date on making sure his state of residence/neighbor is aware of his status, I don’t understand the uproar. Yeah, sex offenders are fucking gross, but if judgment has…
100MM for Gruden but can’t pay Mack. How is it not the Browns doing this? I didn’t know any other team was capable of that level of stupidity. Jfc.
Mark Davis is a shitbag and Schefter is a stooge, but this doesn’t read as congratulatory to me. Just seems like a straightforward news blurb. Then again, I don’t know if he followed this tweet with others which lavished the Raiders with praise, so that could be the case.
The entire quote is even worse. When the MRI revealed that there was no structural damage, Williams said:
Yeah, mass generalization isn’t going to get anyone anywhere. Sure, there are shithead gamers, but I’d say the expansion of the internet and the anonymity it provides contributed a lot more to that than games themselves did. Now, in this situation, of course, anonymity had nothing to do with, but thinking along the…