
“he’s a reasonably talented white guy” You, uh... you talking about the same Zach Lavine?

TIL the strong, silent-type Kawhi doesn’t exist and he is, in fact, 7 years old.

*It’s spelled “brian”, moran!

So, are Cavs fans gonna be burning jerseys this time or is it okay since they got a ring?

How is Cincinnati not meatsauce city?

Chicago and Phoenix guy - are you Michael Wilbon?

Yeah, must’ve been horrible being bad for a little bit. Good thing you’ve all those championships to look back on unlike most other teams in the league. Kings fans would trade you in a heartbeat.

So, he’s being punished for being both too young and too smart? Jfc, someone get this kid some goddamn scholarships - this isn’t hard.

I don’t know why, but it was the “probably a car” bit that really got me.

One that has thankfully been lanced from our world.

I thought that was just part of the “great advice” he gave out? I guess I was mistaken.

Yeah, his advice was top fucking notch. Can’t wait for his posthumous book release: “Meditations on How to Beat the Everliving Fuck Out of Your Loved Ones, Degrade Homosexuals, and More” - it’s gonna fly off the shelves faster than gunfire. Fuck him and fuck you, too.

I remember when he basically told Trump to fuck off for referencing Pittsburgh in his reasoning for pulling out of the Paris Agreement, a clip that was shone on Last Week Tonight, and I thought “alright, he seems like an alright dude, then.” And now, yeah. Do any of them actually care about anything? Another kid gone

Amen. She’s a treasure and yet it was always a fucking chore with him.

“Lemming mentality” if that statement were any richer, you could mine that fucker for gold.

Settle down, Mr. Miller - it couldn’t have taken you too long to get a new phone.

Honestly might be enjoying this more than what actually happened to Miller. So many people NOW talking about “oh, don’t go so low, you need to use fair tactics, etc” - fuuuuuuuuuck ‘em all!

Despite being as tall as he is, Brock never once even sniffed the heights of Peak Dwight. I know what you were saying, though.

Even if Thanos could snap his fingers in real life, somehow the Warriors would still have Steph, KD, Dray, Klay, and Andre - you just know that’s how it would work out.

Man, I would hope your fiance’s friend’s financier would be better with numbers than that - don’t think I’d bring takiing my portfolio to him, no sir.