Conor Woody

How has Zach Woods not even been nominated for a supporting-actor-in-a-comedy Emmy? Jared is consistently one of the funniest characters on TV even when he doesn't have any dialogue in a scene.

In terms of comedians that I think are putting out the best stuff right now (rather than going by legacy) I'll go with, in no order, Louis CK, Chelsea Peretti, Rory Scovel, Jerrod Carmichael, Todd Barry, and Maria Bamford. If you want a "gateway back to modern times" I'd also recommend watching Aziz Ansari, Amy

I actually like Caleco's a lot, but as much for the feel of the place as the pizza. Also, the only time I go to St. Louis anymore is for the occasional Cardinals game, and Caleco's is really close to Busch Stadium, so I admit that I'm biased.

The sauce at Imo's is like sugary tomato syrup. Absolutely disgusting.

It's not that his hands are particularly small, it's that he's so hilariously, pathetically insecure about them being small. The hand jokes started, as I recall, after a story recirculated on John Oliver's show: A writer for Spy magazine described Trump as a "short-fingered vulgarian" in an article at least a decade

I am getting tired of people attacking it for its subject matter. I liked it, didn't love it—and that had nothing to do with the fact that it was nostalgic and featured a white jazz musician. The slow convergence of politics and art criticism really exhausts me. Like this article that unironically draws a parallel

I really fucking despise that MOONLIGHT can't shake being deemed "political" in so many of the conversations/articles I see about it. I'm convinced it'll be seen as a masterpiece of empathy/compassion/humanity long after our political moment is dead and forgotten. It's a coming-of-age movie, for god's sake, and as a

I mean, I enjoyed it well enough, but I don't get the glowing praise doled out by this site and others, even if A.A. Dowd's review did make me appreciate the risky dialogue for rarely tipping over into pretension despite constantly threatening to. I guess the problems I have overshadow the script, though, especially

Totally agree on IB, at least in terms of the ambition-to-success ratio. Also, having been born and raised in Arkansas and having extensively traveled to Oklahoma and Texas, which is the culture depicted in Hell or High Water, I found much of the directorial flourishes to be eye-rolling and condescending. Like, in one

True, but with more pathos and even fewer un-slurred understandable words. But still it worked for me.

I agree, I thought Hell or High Water was the most overrated movie I saw this year… But Jeff Bridges was great, as usual. To each their own, but it reminded me a little of The Town in that the extended action-scene shootout at the end totally undercut the tone established by the rest of the movie and was completely

That was great. Man, I forgot how much I love The Price is Right. It's easy at first to condescendingly laugh at the raving contestants/crowd, but the energy becomes infectious almost immediately and I always end up being so emotionally invested in whether some dude from Arizona gets a boat.

You really should listen to the WTF with Metzger; I think you're really simplifying the situation between him and bloggers by writing him off as a woman harasser. I get that you're not obliged to give some random comedian a chance but you're making it sound like he "meant" every piece of dialogue he's had in Horace

I absolutely see where you're coming from in that regard as a hip-hop fan hoping that Hamilton would encourage people to search out more hip-hop. I didn't intend to be so aggressive, but I do think the songs don't really shine until they're in context because the tempo, tone, and style shifts so frequently and

I'm sorry but this is just ridiculous. You can't judge a narrative—especially one as dense as Hamilton—by "sampling" a few songs. It's not an album of disparate songs. They are all part of a coherent, heartbreaking, brilliant whole. If someone came on here and was like "Yeah, I don't get why everyone's so crazy about

I loved Comedy Bang Bang so much this year, and all of the Best Of episodes were well deserved.