If your drift car doesn’t come with a stereo system, never fear! Just give a musician a ride.
If your drift car doesn’t come with a stereo system, never fear! Just give a musician a ride.
that’s the first paragraph of the article. Read to the start?
I think it bears mentioning that there was plenty of bipartisan opposition to the TPP being thrown around during the election season, to the point that former Secretary Clinton had to walk back her staunch support of the TPP while she was SoS to a position of complete opposition.
Dude, if you just get rid of the windscreen you never have to scrape ice off it!
I think that’s how you charge up your NOS meter.
Yeah I had a step father in law admonish me for driving an accord that was assembled in Ohio while he was driving a ford truck assembled in Mexico.
“You should read Jalopnik, it’s good and insightful.”
The top 2 are false but the last 2 aren’t. AWD isn’t a miracle that overcomes physics but I’d rather have 4 powered wheels on mixed traction surfaces.
“I bought my daughter an old dodge truck from the 70s cause they don’t make em like they used to! She’ll be real safe in there!”
If you drink enough antifreeze you definitely won’t get heartburn again though.
Seafoam will help your car run better:
OK, I’m sure you got your fill of opinions, but I feel I should weigh in. Diesel engines are fundamentally different from gas engines. In a gas engine, you get one bang per cylinder, and thats it. In a diesel, you get a long burn, and you can continue to add fuel to that burn. In a gas engine, you have an ideal…