
The glut of post-apocalyptic fiction in pop culture at large and video games in particular has led to a set of beliefs and tropes that have settled into the bones of these stories: A moral nihilism that posits compassion as weakness, that the ends justify the means, that there is a thin line protecting us from them

My only experiences have been absolute shit shows.

Oh god... the people who claim griefing is immersive :facepalm:

Nope. Anarchic fun in a city that reacts to you is closer to “the point” in GTA.

That chip damage idea sounds really good to be honest. I haven't gotten online yet since I'm forcing myself to finish single player, but I'd like a solution like that. It'd be like initiating a duel anyway! 

This was an interaction I over heard from two players near me after my gang logged out for the night. I’ll name them Asshole and griefer

GTA always was a sandbox game.

One of the problems is that it only takes being griefed once or twice to ruin the whole mode. Even if someone has a good experience most of the time, those times where they didn’t will be what they remember. So if you’re not really dillgent then over time players just slowly leak away until you’re only left with

Oh the griefing is most certainly there, albeit there’s a much larger range to work with and it’s harder to corner people.

My time in RDO has been marred by griefers which, when taking into account bugs like pelts on my horse disappearing from time to time, makes my time uniformly un-enjoyable. Exchanging waves with a player and then being shot in the back a second later is funny the first time. But when they wound my horse and kill me

its so weird, as big as this game is, and as much time as my brother and i have put into it, we’ve hardly found ourselves in any bad situations. a few posse’s showed up to spawn kill us, but we held our own and after a few back and forths they got bored. the map is huge and we often find ourselves not seeing players

To me the ideal would be adding the option to choose a PvP or a PvE server. That way, the people who want to go around being psycho-murderer griefers can have the option to do so with like-minded players. And the people who just want to do their own thing without harassing or being harassed by other players can also

I do think its nice having other players around in the open world, it makes things feel a little less lonely. I think the ideal for me would be if they gave you the option to pick a pvp instance or a pve instance. That way, you could hang out with like-minded people who just want to do their own thing without

But I was planning on bunging all my friends with my automahorse, then riding off with their horse and bung another friend.

The weird thing is... I don’t see any benefit to the online mode the way that it is. A Co-op mode? Sure. That would be fun, even with 4+. But most of the multiplayer games are lobby based anyway, so the only real reason to have online seems to be griefing and hand waving. If there was a solo mode I likely wouldn’t

Its the same as in GTA Online, anyone anywhere at any time can decide to be a raging pycho dick and try to kill you. Literally the second day I played of the beta, within a minute of me logging in some rando d-bag tackled me to the ground and knifed me to death. Its somewhat easier to avoid potential ambushes than in

I just played Online for the first time today and the first mission you play with other players, fucking guys start talking during the opening cut scene, right over the dialogue that sets up the damn premise. I noped the fuck out of there and not sure if Online is even for me; I’m more of a single-player guy.

I was playing the other day and heard a bunch of people talking while one of them was also doing bong hits. Needless to say I got tired of that pretty quick and turned off the in-game voice chat completely.

The bolt action rifle is a good investment to make. Its much more powerful and more accurate than the carbine repeater you start the game with. It is also extremely useful for dealing with players who decide to attack you, because they won’t be expecting you to have something that’ll take out half their health before

My personal tip for hunting and treasure maps to avoid grief is to intentionally spawn in a state you don’t want to play in via the online menu and then ride to where you actually want to be. For example, if you spawn in New Austin, most of the other players who spawned there will stay in that area, so you can go to