
My bad behavior?  I am not any of these people.  I agree with the goals of Clift and I am actually a minority.  So, no.  I just approach conflict differently.  Sorry that that makes me the worst person on earth here.

“I had two options in responding to this ill-conceived invitation. I could say no, and kick the can down the road for the next unsuspecting Native guest, passing on a legacy of microaggressions for future Native comedians to deal with from here to eternity. Or I could go on the show and risk my career.”

No.  There were

You’d want them to ambush you live on a podcast and then go on a quasi publicity tour promoting how you embarrassed them for having the audacity to invite you on their podcast to help your career which up until this point has involved nothing of any note. 

Wow. No mention of Hollywood Handbook which is having such a corker of a year, smdh

This is not one bit more intelligent an opinion than, “If there’s global warming, it shouldn’t be snowing in winter,” or “God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Go Fuck Yourself™.

Wow, what a Grade-A Shitty thing to say

I’d wish for someone you know and love to commit suicide to give you a shred of perspective, but I’m not a piece of shit like you.

You’re right. That opinion is unpopular.

People ragged on last year’s Oscars for the sake of being contrarian, but holy shit almost every nomination in almost every single category would have left me reasonably satisfied were it to win.