eugene levy's eyebrows

Whatever the reality was, the likely reality now is a real shortage due to hoarding. If we could run store shelves dry of toilet paper in the pandemic when there was literally no problem in the supply chain, we can definitely do it with formula when there actually IS an event like the Abbott recall.

Agreed and it reveals the end game. The goal is not to examine the extent of the baby formula scarcity or to argue for solutions. It is about the instinctive view of another group as unworthy. Therefore those babies are more deserving of a real or imagined hardship scenario of starvation than “God fearing, tax

I will always love Minnie Driver. She came to my city for a local cancer org’s fundraiser, and my dad happened to be in the hospital at the time being treated for pancreatic cancer (he unfortunately passed away nine years ago this month). She took the time to visit with a ton of patients, including my dad, without PR

Wow, cheating on her while she was getting cancer treatment. Just when you think a situation couldn’t be more terrible than it already is...

He will always be Bunker from the awesome Banshee show to me.

Kudos to Post and the baby thing. Sounds like the guy is a lot more grounded than most people with his level of fame at that age. Keeping his relationship private, acting like a proper human being to a person with disabilities, etc.

Also, these are the same people who get pissed when Republicans more or less say non-Conservatives should leave the US instead of complaining about their policies or trying to change them. As well as the same overly-simpistic and fucked up logic that gave us “[poor] people in Texas deserve to die of hypothermia

Kinda fails to account for the fact that people are born in red states who don’t drink the kool-aid, too, and all the future pregnant minors who are well and truly out of luck. 

Man sure can find a lot of answers to all the worlds problems in here eh

Which, if I thought it were harmless, I wouldn’t care, but the thing is, everyone who encounters this sort of speech knows that’s what it is and unless you are an in group member it makes you loathe them, even if you are the target of their Messianic fervor.

Excuses, excuses, excuses. Wah-wah-wah. That is all you are saying. Just come on and be honest, you are too comfortable where you are and not wanting to make the effort. Because none of what you said makes it impossible.

I see the headline and get excited. I read the pull quote and I just ...

Yeah, unless there's a Red State Refugee program my broke ass can't move to a less-shitty state (Texan here).

If you live in a nice safe blue state and care about abortion, why don’t you move to a red state and vote there?

Stop telling people in red states to move, start telling people in blue states to move to red states. Remember the lessons of Bleeding Kansas, where whole families picked up and moved into an actual warzone to ensure the state flipped the way they wanted.

I dated a guy who thought we shouldn’t get married because we disagreed sometimes and he equated disagreement with his parent’s divorce.

A girlboss being the asshole? bloggers would never admit to that. 

who thought he was “going after her for custody”?  it just says papers related to the children.  As you said it could just be the regular old parenting agreement.

Between this and the AV Club’s take, it’s pretty clear bloggers are out of touch with the rest of us.