Not That Connor Cook

I’d (and most serious CBB people would) say BE is a legit conference. Suffers from the DePaul/St. John’s terribleness, but BE is still top-4 in terms of RPI, top 25 teams, etc. B1G, Big 12, ACC, BE are head and shoulders above the Pac-12, SEC, etc

I wouldn’t say Xavier is necessarily not going to be the BE’s second best (saying this as a homer and well aware of our dusting in Philly on Tuesday). Hung with Baylor until the very end and led most of the first half at Nova despite not having and barely incorporating their best shooter (Myles Davis) in those

2000 election. OJ trial was when I was an infant and I think I extremely vaguely remember Princess Di’s death, but I sure as shit was annoyed about those darn butterfly ballots