Connor Bruce

Anyone who uses the word 'hater' to describe someone with a contrary viewpoint to their own has no business debating with adults. The whole point of this discussion is the subjective nature of people's viewpoints; kindness is about as subjective as one can get. It was once seen as kindness to sterilize the

Isn't the right to express your viewpoint, no matter how distasteful, a basic human right?

No, really it's not. After all who decides what is intolerable? Is intolerance just the contrary viewpoint to your own? The point is, by not being tolerant of other's viewpoints, you're the one being intolerant.

That's the problem, but who decides what is intolerable? For me it is key to remain impartial and objective, whatever the topic or viewpoint, something that is seldom see these days when every view seems partisan and entrenched.

Surely if we're going down the road of religious irony, then all religions qualify? After all they are all replete with contradictions, hypocrisy and irony.

Hmm, I'm not sure that being cruel to people, bullying them and criticising their views and opinions, because they are different to your own, should be acceptable because no-one dies. After all, sometimes they commit suicide -

Can you give me an example so that I can use a less superlative adjective in future?

The ultimate irony is that it is always those screaming loudest for tolerance who are the least tolerant of the views of others. These days if you don't agree with the morally righteous, they think nothing of hounding you unto death, but will cry in the loudest possible voice of even the slightest inflection that