Yay! Now I can block recognitions again!
Yay! Now I can block recognitions again!
When I load a Kinja page and scroll down to read (or jump there if I’m responding to a comment), it jumps back up to the top. What is the deal with that? It didn’t used to always happen. It’s very annoying when it comes to responding to comments.
Your original post said nothing about Black NFL fans or that entertainers shouldn’t be heroes. You’re being disengenuous. You were definitely criticizing Kaep while propping up an Aunt Tomasina. And for what?!? Some personal grudge because you couldn’t enjoy your brothers bash their heads in peace?
There’s a controversy about how Black NFL fans were treated? Lol, what?!? Black NFL fans are not out here doing anything for anyone and they still get to enjoy the sport they apparently love more than anything, so where’s the problem?
Wow, this is a bad take. Folks really out here shading Kaep for forcing the NFL to pay him what he deserves and instead holding up Monique, aka “I Cape for White Women who Call Black Women Apes”, as some sort of hero?
Kaepernick didn’t compromise anything. The whole point of his lawsuit was to show collusion that prevented him from being signed on other teams, which is notoriously more complicated than people understand on legal terms when not in civil court. The settlement they reached, especially given their influence,…
I feel like every time there’s a Michael Rapaport story, there’s a Steve Harvey story to go along with it.
Honestly? I don’t give a shit about McCabe’s motivation. If he’s another link in the chain that gets Trump and his disgusting family in handcuffs, so be it.
So the generally very Republican FBI, who helped put Trump in office when Comey decided to issue a “but her e-mails” report right before the election, is so horrified by Trump’s behaviors and actions that they feel compelled to start an investigation into the possibility that the President of the Fucking United States…
Its because they are unwilling or unable to differentiate "laughing with you" and "laughing at you"
The big VB hotbed regions in the country start kids at around age 9 or 10. I started year-round in third grade at age ten after taking up the sport at age 8 because my older sister was playing. These big regions tend to be California, Texas, Florida, Ohio. The Ohio Valley Region has more than 50 10 and under teams…
It doesn’t have to be. Sports/team culture definitely can get toxic, but the good teams and the good coaches that I’ve been involved with haven’t functioned that way. Good leadership can curtail a lot of abusive team behaviors.
Yep. “Why can’t you take a joke?” they always say. Oh yeah, great joke. Real funny.
bullies always use the excuse, “it was just a joke” when they get called on their shit.
Our volleyball team always did carwash fundraisers and I hated them. Even fully clothed in t-shirts and our spandex shorts, men were total creeps. The leering, the comments, it was so gross.
I had a high school coach who thought it was fun to hand out these kinds of gag awards. I remember one of my teammates getting the Big Butt award. Mine was something along the lines of the Diva Award, which I got ostensibly because I was very serious and cared about winning (the reality is that I, as a sophomore, had…
Even when I was in high school I thought it was weird when they’d advertise 16 year old cheerleader bikini car washes as a fundraiser and all the townies were lined up. Chris Hansen would have made a killing that day
Fire these stone cold dumb-dumbs into the sun.
What the fuck is wrong with people?
What the fuck is wrong with people?