connoisseur of spirits

I root for the guy who seems to be turning away from the darkness.

To be fair, they’ve looked fully puckered in every single picture I’ve ever seen of them, especially since daddy’s been elected.

The reality is that this crop of Dems are only seen as being much better because the Replicans are so fucking obviously evil. They’re still nearly all selfish corporate whores open to the highest bidder. So let’s not call them bright, just less overtly evil and, for that, they got my ass to the polls for the first

They know the hammer’s going to come down in 2020 and no gerrymandering will overcome the 50% turnout the midterms saw.

I’d rather you were running after him with a hammer.

Are we Michael Cohen fans?

Hypocrisy is but one of the vices of the human heart, lying being another. Stacked with their greed, it is no wonder that they support hateful and oppressive regimes both here and in Russia and elsewhere. They are a cabal of despicable birds of a feather.

He’s also had a couple of months to get ready for doing three years. This hearing is a trifle compared to his coming three years.

Treason is just a by-product of their selfishness.

Go Ivanka, indeed! As in “Go fuck yourself, Ivanka!”

No, Sir! They understand callous cruelty very well.

According to prescurots, Kelly’s manager gave her one of Kelly’s business cards and suggested she contact the singer.

That explains 99% of winning on Earth, my friend.

It’s been the 1950s since the 1600s.

Picked this up at the library this past week and my 12yo daughter just began it. She has also read the entire set of poems selected by Langston Hughes as his “best-of” late in his life. And she has read Malala’s book twice.

That’s a beautiful article, my friend.

I posted this elsewhere in this thread, but I wanted to posted it directly to you, my friend.

I was a young black woman’s angel one day. She had just bought and taken a half a bottle of Tylenol to kill herself. She was about to cross the street to walk back to her empty rented house to die, her three young kids somewhere else, family far away.

because they didn’t actually do that.

Because the wealthy have had their lawyers writing the laws for at least a century now.