connoisseur of spirits

This is my reply to BadOmbre’s reply to this that he Dismissed and demonstrates why this forum needs voices such as my own (because it’s an echo chamber). It also demonstrates how our Creator works in my life to help this Sufi Message of Love percolate out into areas it is not exactly welcome. “A doctor doesn’t do

They key to every relationship is selflessness. And I mean *every* relationship, including with people you don’t know. It is the only path to creating a perfect society. It is the only path to peace and justice and happiness. It is the only path to “On Earth as it is in Heaven”.

Dizzy? I have been commanded to:

The rule is, “You become what you hate.”

Why is it always some years later they are hurt enough to want justice and accountability.

That was beautifully written, my dear sister.

I accepted Islam in June of 2001 as the white son of Catholics.

The whole point of the story is about how even seemingly stable systems can be transformed quickly by smalll perturbations when they are at certain inflections (catastrophe points in chaos theory).

I believe we need a new picture in the Dictionary next to ‘vapid’.

He’s actually the richest dude in the world.

Unless you’re about to be divorced, are the richest man in America and have a nice one.

“You want to release pics of my dick? Here, let me show you my big balls, too. Motherfucker!

Definitely. Hoping Mussolini kicks Hitler’s ass doesn’t mean you’re a fan of Mussolini.

The recent TPM post claims that his friends who supposedly know criminal law said it was NOT criminal extortion.

Don’t you mean for the pun!?

His hard-on was supposedly peeking out of the top of his cargo shorts.

Finally, the sequel to “The President Is Coming”

Motherfucker looks like just that InfoWars prick.

In some respects, I’d say Mr. Obama tried to make the world a better place.

Snow bong hits.