So how can it be targeted if he wasnt the target of the original arrest?
So how can it be targeted if he wasnt the target of the original arrest?
I’ve had white Turkish Muslim friends deported for overstaying their visas (maybe four or five in the past five years or so), and they were perfect citizens.
There’s no putting race aside for racists, my friend. Not for Trump’s people and not for these people at TheRoot. They don’t even believe a black person in America *can* be racist.
But everything to do with gang life.
He should, in all respects, be a model for what anyone would want from immigrants. An avatar of capitalism.
He admitted to robbing anyone of anything they had of value.
And yet another major problem is that lots liberals have been brainwashed into thinking the Democrats gives a shit about them and their causes.
if you don’t like the root then why are you here? clearly to antagonize ppl instead of offer anything constructive to the conversation.
The man used to commit armed robbery and sell crack to his own people.
I am pretty sure my employer would tell me to get bent if I tried this move.
“constituent services” meaning brown-nosing to get reelected, that being the primary pursuit of most of these self-obsessed non-public-servants
Name one of those famous men who have worked to stop gang culture.
Not just rich but an admitted thug and crack dealer.
Thank you for this truth about love and our human nature to revel in our mammalian potential to form aggressive, warring packs. Getting beyond such blind adherence to one’s own is the purest meaning of “judged by the content of their character”.
Some see admitted gunpoint robbers and crack dealers as a pox upon society.
Wow, this young man is an admitted gunpoint robber and drug dealer.
Yeah, Mueller is patient like an anaconda devouring a water buffalo.
You have to also remember that Mueller must be fully aware of the many lessons of Mark Felt (aka Deep Throat): you have to move up the ladder one rung at a time very, *very* carefully, lest you let the top fish slip through the net, as Woodward and Bernstein almost did when they misreported Sloan’s grand jury…
AOC is our only hope!