Thanks, McArthur Wheeler.
Thanks, McArthur Wheeler.
I’ll never understand why people...
It’s the fact that I love her that I counsel against this waste of life. As Chris Rock says, “People say, ‘Life is short’. No it isn’t! Life is loooong, especially if you make stupid decisions.”
Testosterone makes men stronger, more explosive and more muscular. Physiology is a science and that science is settled.
These men are destroying themselves already; why would you support a woman being doubly destroyed?
“Always create a great image for yourself, because you never know who is watching,”
Are Bill Cosby’s attitudes towards women what Black people envision for America?
Yeah, it was idiots from the top to the bottom (the purchasers). Problem was the idiot at the top was also an unscrupulous idiot out to make a quick buck.
Reality is all hatred is destructive to both oneself and the societies one lives within.
Says Ms. Jerkstore to a jerkstore of writers too lazy to read their comment sections and give a f. They only love you for your clicks, dear.
Thank you for sharing your hard-won truth with us, my dear friend. You have expanded my consciousness today and I am deeply grateful.
Two people have been murdered within 100m of our front door in our projects this year alone. Hearing .45 gunfights at 11pm is not good for the nerves. It’s nice to know I have a shooting chance if someone looking for a hideout decides to bash my door down.
Physical violence for someone with words, huh?
Bad is never good and you have shown your truth here, my friend.
Testosterone replacement therapy can’t be good for manners, patience or introspection and a lot of those guys are juicing like a mofo.
As you say, he alone bears the responsibility his sexual abuse of children, but I’m guessing that his horrific childhood had a profound impact on what must be considered a mental illness, all the more so if it included his being sexually abused.
That $1M is nothing but a propaganda investment combined with the payoff of a loyal minion in this evil regime. And, like everything else related to this administration, it’s gonna be a bunch of lies.
I watched the documentary “Eating You Alive” and my wife and I are now plant-based. The evidence is overwhelming and the planet needs us to eat beans not animals. It’s not easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is.
The meaning of life is expressed on this saint’s face in comparison to that of the people in power now in America.
So gang murders are not extremist?