*EDIT* first paragraph: “don’t give a fuck”, obviously
*EDIT* first paragraph: “don’t give a fuck”, obviously
Dr. King said that we should “be judged by the content of our character”.
On Reverse Racism:
The moral is never trust George W. Bush. PERIOD.
Nothing could be as bad as “Happy Days”.
My friend, anyone supporting Trump & the GOP has neither sound logic nor a factual basis to build upon.
Now I must own some Stop a Douchebag swag. At least a t-shirt.
Are you a lawyer?
As long as I got to shower afterward, I’d let Mariah pee on me for $328K/year.
May I hazard a Rudy response?:
Decay in the heart leads to death of the body: root, branch and leaf.
He is only aware of his own selfishness so that is all he can imagine is in others’ hearts.
I have found that books are the last great finds in thrift stores and have, in the past year, amassed a dozen spectacular art books on Monet, Cezanne and others. Each was between one and three dollars and are in perfect shape.
Your answer is the best answer, my friend.
We all start out with the same mental and emotional potential, for we are all human beings with a conscience and the power of intellect to learn and evolve.
Being prepared, my friend, requires going within and connecting to our Creator to self-evolve ourselves beyond our mammalian pack-oriented, alpha-dog dynamics in order to transform our competitive societies into truly cooperative societies beyond all our ethnic, form of religion, sexual orientation and identification…
I agree, with two added details:
They’ve hidden the goalpost up their ass.
I have never snorted Adderall either, my friend.
Somewhere, I hope DudeBra is thinking of Nuremburg.