connoisseur of spirits

Please don’t misunderstand me, my friend: I never advocate for returning evil with evil. No! The best teaching is the example of compassion (not quoting a holy book or wise person).

The Twitch stream of the Carlsen vs. Caruana World Chess Championship was truly fantastic.

He looks like he should be the spokesperson for hangovers.

All that matters is who plays Tico, and that he refuses to speak English in the movie too.

All I can say about Swiper the Fox is that I’ve been advocating making that motherfucker into a nice stoal since I spent those 2-3 years watching that thieving, unrepentant bastard.

Any processed, refined sugar — whether from sugar cane, sugar beets or corn (fructose) — is poison in more than small quantities, my friend. I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m more sorry for the masses of people I see letting their children binge on sugar all day to become adults who eat it all day every day. Fruits and

If I was wrong, you’d make an actual point instead of just typing in some worthless groupthink snark.

Everyone takes a last breath, my friend.

It is possible that *ALL* the rich are awful with some small number of them being able to act like they’re not awful.

You should check out “The Blue Carbuncle” from the 80s/90s Granada Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett, because it fits your story and is a Christmas episode, too.

Is your name Kerry by any chance?

One year I got a sock. Not two; just one.

They want to justify their own cultural traditions of body adornment.

I think we all understand, my friend.

People with no spiritual inclination are blinded by their selfishness which they sometimes augment with a motivation to demonstrate their vitriol.

What’s crazy is that, while having been way too poor to give gifts for five years now, my brother and brother-in-law exchange gifts on their own (but are kind to our kids).

Im guessing that Dr. Laura speaks to gender studies like Hitler spoke to religious tolerance, but I, too, am blissfully ignorant about her.

The key to a healthy diet is removing processed sugar and processed food from it. If you’re eating healthy, your weight will take care of itself, but I know I could use more exercise. Walking is perfect but takes so much time and is difficult in these polluted cities.

That’s some name-comment synergy right there.

You know, after reading story after story here about people giving such shitty gifts, I am now realizing that I think these awful gift-givers are actually sending kind of a hate-message with their shitty gifts. Like, they just want the receiver to know how much they dislike them.