
Anyone got an opinion on this? Good or bad...any opinion at all?

He can, but when there’s ostensibly a 50/50 shot of picking a man or woman, the odds that he would go 29-for-29 picking dudes by coincidence is 1 in 536,870,912.

So I think he’s acknowledging a systematic issue in music and his own choices.

What’s funny is that when I first saw the tweet, I thought it wasn’t a rhetorical question. I read it as “See this lackluster food? Why is this crap proliferating so much?”

If I didn’t encounter the media hoopla over this post, I would have continued to think that, because I refuse to visit Vice sites.

On Simmons’ podcasts, Cousin Sal really sounds only has the attributes that someone would list about their college buddy, with none of the humanity.

Which Louis? Daniel Day?

It makes people sound like an infrequently blooming exotic plant!

Uma Thurman has been cast in that role.

You know that she doesn’t just show up five minutes before the special and ad-lib the whole thing, right?

You know, you’d be a lot sexier if you smiled more.

You’re not saying if it’s good or not; you’re just telling us to check it out. IS IT GOOD?

I don’t need to create a new account now, either! Thanks for the number!


They’ll have five years to pick their country after the division. That’s when the marketing starts...

Maybe some people will see the savings on gasoline and modify their behavior to charge their cars every night. It may not be important enough to that you change your behavior, but it sounds like lots of people who buy electric vehicles are willing to adapt to their new car’s strengths and weaknesses.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re wearing poison-tipped golf spikes.

You’re wrong about the stock splits, man.

Maybe the stock split once or twice?

If you’re compelled to testify, the NDA still takes effect? I thought they were nullified if you’re subpoenaed. The understanding being that the interests of justice subordinate a private agreement.

I think you’re being sarcastic, but if you’re staying in LA proper, visiting Carson on a game day, then going back and forth to a nearby national forest, you’re going to spend a shitload of time in your car.

Isn’t that the exact purpose of advance money? To guarantee some sort of payment for blocking out dates on his schedule even if the festival shutters?