
I would argue that the best schools aren’t necessarily major ones. I’ve never heard of AAU, but one look at the lists tells me that it’s not the the measuring stick for “major” universities if it lists Brandeis but doesn’t have the University of Oklahoma or the University of Arkansas. And the way you assert your claim


Using numbers to designate an era isn't NEARLY evocative enough. As someone who's been alive from the nascency of Micro Machines all the way to the peak of Blue Apron, I appreciate this.

And please don't undersell Crackle in the "stupid name" department.

It probably is. But in my mind, there is absolutely no difference among them.

Anywhere there's a troubled cop, drunk on a houseboat, there's a sax solo nearby.

That "streaming service no one watches" has a name. Say its name! SAY "CRACKLE!"

All my questions—the original ones, at least—are answered. Thank you again. The fact that you were in college when you did these somehow satisfies most of my curiosity. I tend to be very warm-blooded in general, especially in airports/planes, so I think the converse of this approach, traveling with no pants, is

I love that the author here claims they're not a trendy eater because they consume Cliff Bars, coconut water, and organic frozen meals. Jesus fucking Christ. Just because you're incredibly late to a trend doesn't mean you're not part of it.

Poke's gone from being a trend to "legitimate" so quickly because it allows businesses a proper meal without a kitchen. It's the frozen yogurt of savory foods.

LA's traffic situation isn't great, but it's a huge city and always has been, so breaking free of car culture isn't an easy fix. Recently, the city has spent billions to (successfully) change the landscape. Rather than give more real estate to cars, they're doing a decent job of providing alternatives.

WAIT! You were wearing two pairs of pants and several coats during TWO FLIGHT LEGS because it was going to cold at your destination? I want to know much more. Did you you not have room for them in your carry-on? Was this after 9/11? Did security hassle you for wearing several pairs of pants at once? Was using the

Hey, Jeff. Another Dallas concert-goer here. You'll NEVER guess who.

How messed up would it be if he got a tattoo of David Schwimmer playing his father rather than a likeness of his actual dad? It would be infinity messed up.


My pessimism tells me, judging by the rendering and hokey generic mixed-use staples (uplighting everywhere, "sports bar"), that these are people looking to fund a regular development without the means or experience to get the ball rolling, so they're faking/winging it by branding the project a "hall of fame" in the

If it makes you feel any better about the design, judging by the madness of their timeline, this will never get built. "We have no money, and our only design is in the form of a 1991-era rendering. Nonethless, we expect to open our first phase in eight months." That goes past "insanity" and reverts to just plain

Oh, man. I hope they use him sparingly. It's a pretty big central cast, so I'm hopeful, but I imagine he would wear thin quickly.

I saw Lanegan get up with 'em about six years ago for a benefit show. I've seen them about a dozen times, and his presence is really night-and-day on "his" six or so songs. Same for Oliveri's vocals, but less so as a bassist. As for Grohl, I never had the pleasure, but feel that he's less vital than the other two in

it feels funny to even type this, but the one I keep coming back to is "Mange" by Deer Tick. It is very southern (as is their folksy sound in general), but it's got an inescapable "Sympathy for the Devil" feel in it as well. It also has the added bonuses of being like 90 seconds long and totally kicking ass. Here it